For those of us who spend a lot of time at our desks, finding brief moments of calm throughout the day are crucial. This project aims to provide a digital destressing space for users, with a scenic landscape including whimsical animations, meditative music, and visual prompts to help slow breathing.
- In Back to Breath, users can:
- Select their preferred music
- Select a length of time for their “meditation”
- Match their breathing to a repetitive visual cue
- Navigate through a scenic 3D landscape using keys and mouse
In addition, the project includes:
- Links to my professional networking profiles
- A production READMe
This project was created with:
- Canvas API to render the image
- Three.js to responsively animate image elements
- Webpack to bundle script files
- npm to manage dependencies
In order to be able to place 3D Models such as rocks and trees into the scene at random, I used a random generator. This approach only suffices for the x- and z-coordinates, given that the ground (y-axis) was also randomized. In order to avoid floating objects, I initiated a raycaster for each casting directly downward and set the y-coordinate to the point at which the ray intersected the ground.
tree.position.set(randomPosX, 500, randomPosZ);
const raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster();
raycaster.set(tree.position, new THREE.Vector3(0, -1, 0))
const intersects = raycaster.intersectObject(ground);
tree.position.y = intersects[0].point.y - 0.2;
To render an animated leaf at the beginning of the scene, I created a simple model using Three.js circle geometry, then used a Three.js clock to get time change data. By passing this into the translateY function, the leaf moves directly upward while also rotating.
this.leaf.translateY(leafClock.getDelta() * 10);
Friday Afternoon & Weekend: Complete project setup. Create basic HTML layout and canvas. Get user prompts for music and time working. Dive into Three.js docs and make a plan to generate animations. Monday: Render static image background. Create classes and animation models for each moving element. Tuesday Get 1-2 animations working and debugged. Wednesday Complete music controls and styling. Add 1 animation. Thursday Morning Deploy project to GitHub Pages.
Features that will be added:
- Additional animations
- Increased interaction with models (e.g. animations triggered by click event)
- A sunset/fadeout sequence at the end of a given meditation session