😎 I know I've over-used that line but let me use it this one more time!
👋 Hello fellas!
😉 My name is Ashish Khare and I love to live on the dirty side of the web planet, aka the javascript tooling world.
🍃 I center my life around topics like VDOM, notion data typing, and of course tailwind.
👀 Recently, I started building libraries like Avvvatars. Soon I'll tell you more.
🐦 I mostly stay awake at Twitter Inc.
My current tech stack includes:
- Javascript, Python
- Next.js/Vite.js + Framer Motion
- Zustand
- Tailwind CSS
- Supabase/Firebase
- React Testing Library
- ShadCN UI/ Radix UI
👟 Well, I know a lot of things and learning more. So, follow me to be a part of my journey.