Job/Resource ratio calculator for Colony Survival
The currently deployed version of the application can be found at the following URLs:
Name | Version | Instructions |
Terraform | >= 1.3.7 | |
Ensure that all scripts have the permission to run on your system, this can be done by running the following command:
chmod u+x $(find . -type f -name "*.sh" | egrep -v "(/node_modules/|/\.husky/)")
The project uses Lerna to run tasks against packages inside the repository. Running the following command will install all required dependencies for all packages:
yarn ci
Run the following command to setup the infrastructure for development:
yarn lerna run deploy -- -e dev
Run the following command to remove any deployed infrastructure for development:
yarn lerna run deploy -- -e dev -t
To enable the Github actions to deploy the infrastructure for production/testing, you must first create the deployment role in AWS by running the following command:
Note: This requires the ARNs of a S3 Bucket, DynamoDB table, Read/write policy to access the bucket and table, and an OpenID Connect Provider that is configured to work with Github Actions
terraform apply -chdir=./infra/deploy
Once applied, the deploy_role_arn
needs to be set as a repository secret under the name DEPLOY_ROLE_ARN
in Github