WinRT library for interacting with OpenAI APIs
- Create an
and configure it - To use OpenAI, specify the
, or it will use theOPENAI_KEY
environment variable. - To use Azure OpenAI, you'll need to specify the
, theApiKey
(or use the OPENAI_KEY env var), and setUseBearerTokenAuthorization(false)
- Once you have the client object, you can call the GetCompletionAsync API to get completions from it given a prompt. The result is an array of objects that have a Text member you can get the completion text from.
#include <winrt/openai.h>
#include <winrt/builders/OpenAI.h>
#include <winrt/builders/helpers.h>
#ifdef USE_OPENAI // don't send any Windows or user code here
auto openaiEndpoint = winrt::OpenAI::builders::OpenAIClient()
.ApiKey(L"..."); // optional or use OPENAI_KEY
#else // Azure OpenAI
auto openaiEndpoint = winrt::OpenAI::builders::OpenAIClient()
.CompletionUri(winrt::Windows::Foundation::Uri{ L"..." })
.ApiKey(L"...") // optional or use OPENAI_KEY
auto completion = co_await openaiEndpoint.GetCompletionAsync(
.Prompt(L"git clone ")
auto i = 0;
for (auto const& c : completion) {
std::wcout << L"Completion #" << i << L"\n";
std::wcout << c.Text() << L"\n";
#include <iostream>
#include <winrt/base.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.h>
#include <winrt/Windows.Foundation.Collections.h>
#include <winrt/openai.h>
// Reference the CppWinRT.Builders NuGet package to get fluent-style property setters
#include <winrt/builders/OpenAI.CompletionRequest.h>
int main()
auto openai = winrt::OpenAI::OpenAIClient{};
// configure the API key (otherwise it will use the value from the environment variable OPENAI_KEY)
// openai.ApiKey(L"....");
auto completionTask = openai.GetCompletionAsync(L"git clone ", L"text-davinci-003");
auto completions = completionTask.get(); // you can co_await GetCompletionAsync instead if inside an async method
for (auto const& c : completions) {
std::wcout << c.Text() << L"\n";
std::wcout << L"\n\n---\n";
auto completionTask2 = openai.GetCompletionAsync(
winrt::OpenAI::builders::CompletionRequest{} // this uses the CppWinRT.Builders package
.Prompt(L"git clone ")
auto completions2 = completionTask2.get();
auto i = 0;
for (auto const& c : completions2) {
std::wcout << L"Completion #" << i << L"\n";
std::wcout << c.Text() << L"\n";
If you'd rather not use the CppWinRT.Builders NuGet package, you can set properties individually on a CompletionRequest
auto cr = winrt::OpenAI::CompletionRequest{};
cr.Prompt(L"git clone ");
auto completionTask2 = openai.GetCompletionAsync(cr);
auto promptTemplate = openai.CreateTemplate(L"Tell me a {adjective} joke about {content}");
auto funnyJokeTask = promptTemplate.FormatAsync({ {L"adjective", L"funny"}, {L"content", L"chickens"} });
auto funnyJoke = funnyJokeTask.get();
std::wcout << L"\n\n" << funnyJoke << L"\n\n\n";
auto example = openai.CreateFewShotTemplate({ L"word", L"antonym" });
auto examples = std::vector {
winrt::multi_threaded_map(std::unordered_map<hstring, hstring> { {L"word", L"happy"}, { L"antonym", L"sad" }}),
winrt::multi_threaded_map(std::unordered_map<hstring, hstring>{ {L"word", L"tall"}, { L"antonym", L"short" }}),
auto fewshot = example.ExecuteAsync(L"big").get();
std::wcout << L"the opposite of big is " << fewshot.Lookup(L"antonym").begin() << L"\n";
Given a string, returns a vector of doubles representing the embedding of the string.
auto embedding = openai.GetEmbeddingAsync(L"hello world").get();
for (auto const& e : embedding) {
std::wcout << e << L", ";
Given two embeddings, returns a double representing the distance between them.
auto embedding1 = openai.GetEmbeddingAsync(L"hello world").get();
auto embedding2 = openai.GetEmbeddingAsync(L"goodbye world").get();
auto distance = openai.EmbeddingDistance(embedding1.GetView(), embedding2.GetView());
std::wcout << L"distance between hello world and goodbye world is " << distance << L"\n";