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Trial Insights API

Search and Analysis API for Trial Insights Clinical Trial Search, Intelligence, and Surveillance


The API is comprised of a Trials API for querying clinical trials and rendering trial documents, an Investigators API with extended annotation for clinical trial investigators, and an Aggregate Analysis API for analyzing and computing statistics over collections of clinical trials and related investigators.


Access to endpoints requires an api_key. Request an API Key at: Trial Insights API Key Request

Once you have the key, submit your request using the Trialinsights-Api-Key custom header. Alternatively, you can include the property in the body of the POST {api_key: "provided-key"} or as a url query parameter ?api_key=key.

All endpoints are available at

Trials API

Use the Trials API to submit queries for relevant clinical trials and receive sorted, JSON formatted documents to be rendered by your application. In addition to the initial page of results the response object includes recordsTotal and the nct_ids array of clinical trial identifiers. Query parameters inclue options for sorting, paging, and selecting only requested fields.

GET /find?value | values | values & names

Responds with an array of clinical trial identifier that match the query.

Queries are composed of a simple value= free text term. Search specific fields using the name= and value= syntax. Queries composed of compound terms can be created from arrays of names= and values= where the corrsponding name/value pair is constructed based on the ordering of the terms.

// fetch amnesia trials using free text

// fetch trials with amnesia only in diseases

// fetch phase 1 amnesia trials


POST /find

Post an object containing a values property which is an array of terms. Each term consists of a name and a value. Each entry in the array is an object with two properties: name and value.

A name is a string value corresponding to a valid primary search or secondary search name shown in the table below. The server responds with an object with a recordsFiltered number for the total documents found and nct_ids array of trial identifiers. Use this information to request pages of documents using the /fetch endpoint.

A value is your keyword or a valid value of a clinical trial property such as Phase 1 for Phase.

// The following example values entry returns 
// trials with breast cancer in any text field.
  values: [{
    name: "other_terms",
    value: "breast cancer"

// The following example values entry returns 
// trials with breast cancer OR prostate cancer found in diseases section of the trial.
  values: [{
    name: "diseases",
    value: "breast cancer|prostate cancer"

// The following example values entry returns 
// trials with breast cancer AND prostate cancer found in diseases section of the trial.
  values: [{
    name: "diseases",
    value: "breast cancer"
    name: "diseases",
    value: "prostate cancer"

// The request response is an object as follows:
  nct_ids: 'array' of trial identifiers,
  recordsTotal: 'number' of total trials matching first search term,
Request Errors

A request that produces no results will return a statusCode 200 but will have an empty array in the nct_ids property of the response object and -1 recordsTotal.

In most cases, the server will respond with a statusCode >= 400 and a JSON object with error and message properties if the request was issued impropertly.

// Example error response:
{error: 'failed', message:'Request denied.'}
Primary Search and Secondary Search Names

The valid strings for the name property of a name/value object is shown in the table here:

name Type Behavior
other_terms Primary Searches all relevant text fields in trial document looking for matches, including title and description.
diseases Primary Searches condition, condition_browse, and keyword fields for matches.
interventions Primary Searches intervention, intervention_browse, and keyword fields for matches.
drug Primary Searches intervention, intervention_browse, keyword and other_names for matches. Note: other_names is extended by Trialinsights and will find matches to drug synonyms found at PubChem and Therapeutic Target Database
phase Secondary Filter results by valid clinical trial phase.
overall_status Secondary Filter results by valid clinical trial overall status.
intervention_type Secondary Filter results by valid clinical trial intervention type.
study_type Secondary Filter results by valid clinical trial study type.
agency_class Secondary Filter results by valid clinical trial agency class designation.

Primary search value strings are free text and secondary search value strings are controlled filters using the vocabulary of

The values array must include at least 1 primary search name/value and can have zero or more secondary search name/values.

// Example invalid request
// Request must include at least 1 term with primary search name value. 
  values: [{
    name: "phase",
    value: "Phase 2"
When to use "other_terms" as a Primary Search term

Specifying name: "other_terms" causes the search engine to include additional text fields found in trial documents in its effort to find trials. Additional fields include the title and description whereas limiting the name to drug for example will restrict the search to only the intervention, other_names, and keyword areas of the trial documents.

For maximum recall, use other_terms. For more specific recall, use the appropriate primary search name specifier such as diseases when searching disease or drug when searching using drug names.

If more than 1 Primary Search term is provided within the values array object, matches result when all terms are found in the trial document. All of the name/value terms have to be met for the document to be selected.

For primary search terms, any string in the associated field of the trial document containing the supplied string will trigger a match, including a string describing a JavaScript regular expression. For secondary search terms, only strings listed in Valid Values in the table below will trigger matches.

Valid Values
name Valid Values
phase Phase 1, Phase 2, Phase 3, Phase 4, Phase 1/Phase 2, Phase 2/Phase 3, Early Phase 1, N/A
overall_status 'Active, not recruiting', Completed, Enrolling by invitation, Not yet recruiting, Recruiting, Suspended, Terminated, Withdrawn
intervention_type Behavioral, Biological, Combination Product, Device, Diagnostic Test, Dietary Supplement, Drug, Genetic, Procedutre, Radiation, Other
study_type Expanded Access, Interventional, N/A, Observational, Observational [Patient Registry]

Note: Value strings are case in-sensitive.

Multiple entries for a given Secondary Search term.

Multiple entries for a secondary search term will form a logical "OR", as shown in the example below:

// Example Request Body
// This query will find all `Phase 1` or `Phase 2` _breast cancer_ trials whose overall status is `Recruiting`. 
// The default document ordering is by `study_first_posted`
// Note: value strings are case-in sensitive.
  values: [{
    name: 'other_terms', value:'breast cancer'
    name:'phase', value: 'phase 1'
    name: 'phase', value: 'phase 2'
    name:'overall_status', value:'Recruiting'

POST /fetch

Post a document with an array of nct_ids to request associated trial documents. The response object from /find is compatible as input to /fetch.

Additional Request Properties

There are a number of optional properties developers can specify to control the response to the /trials POST request.

Request Property Type Default Description
start Number 0 The index of the first requested document from the search result
length Number 10 The number of documents requested by the client. Use -1 to request all.
sort object See below An object describing the request sort behavior. The default is a descending desc sort. Specify direction: "asc" to sort ascending. Additional sort values are: last_update_posted, start_date, completion_date
location object null An object specifying country, city, state. By specifying a location the sort request property is ignored and the resulting list of trials is sorted in ascending geographic distance from the supplied location.
fields object See below An object specifying which fields to include for each document in the response object.
Field specifiations

To maximize throughput you can limit the number of fields returned with each document. If you don't specify a fields property, then the default fields show below will be returned for each document.

// Default sort object
{sort:'study_first_posted', direction: 'desc'}

// Default fields object
	nct_id: 1,
	agency_class: 1,
	overall_status: 1,
	phase: 1,
	intervention_type: 1,
	study_type: 1,
	biospec_retention: 1,
	biospec_retention: 1,
	study_type: 1,
	has_expanded_access: 1,
	study_design_info: 1,
	structured_eligibility: 1,

	number_of_arms: 1,
	enrollment: 1,
	location: 1,
	location_countries: 1,
	duration: 1,
	completion_date: 1,
	primary_completion_date: 1,
	start_date: 1,
	study_first_posted: 1,
	last_update_posted: 1,
	results_first_posted: 1,

	registry: 1,
	source_registry: 1,

	lead_sponsor: 1,
	collaborator: 1,
	condition_browse: 1,
	intervention_browse: 1,
	keyword: 1,
	drug: 1,
	other_names: 1,
	target: 1,
	biomarker: 1,
	investigator: 1

GET /trials?nct_ids[]=NCT012345678

Returns an individual trial document.

POST /trials

The /trials endpoint combines /find and /fetch in one shot.

// Example request
	url: "",
	dataType: "json",
	type : "POST",
	data: {
		values: [{name: "other_terms", value: "breast cancer"},{name: "other_terms", value: "egfr|kras"}],
		location: {country: "united states", city: "worcester", state: "massachusetts"},
		output: "json",
		start: 0,
		length: 10,
		api_key: "abc0123456789xyz"		
	success : function(r) {
Location sorting

To get trials sorted by distance from a location, use sort: "distance" and include a location property. Results will be sorted in the data response based on the distance from from nearest to farthest from the requested location. Resulting trial documents will have a sites property. sites is an array of objects where each object includes the detail for the participating site, including the responsible contacts at the site, if available at

// Example sites property of response object
  recordsTotal: 24,
  recordsFiltered: 24,
  docs: [{
    nct_id: 'NCT0001234',
    brief_title: 'A Clinical Trial...',
    conditions: ['condition1', 'condition2'...],
    sites: [{
      site: 'site name',
      city: 'city',
      state: 'state',
      country: 'country',
      contacts: [{
        firstname: 'firstname',
	lastname: 'lastname',
	phone: '111-234-5678',
	email: '[email protected]'

GET /facets

Returns an overview of available facet “keys”.

Facets are used to populate menus and picklists throughout a client application. Facet keys are the available fields in the archive, for example "lead_sponsor" or "condition". Facet values are the intance value for a given key, such as "Pfizer" or "heart disease".

Certain facets such as "Facility" and "Investigators" have a large number of unique values, thus the the picklists can get quite large. The API provides a summary and a detail endpoint for retrieving facet names and the number of values for each.

// Request: /facets
// Response:

GET /facets/:facet

Returns Picklist of available facet “values” for requested :facet and global counts of occurrence in trials.

// Request: /facets/phase
// Response:
{'Phase 1': 267, 'Phase 2': 213, 'Phase 3': 411, ...}

Investigator API

GET /golden_investigator

Query the investigator database. Available parameters include:

  • _id
  • firstname, lastname,
  • country, city, state
  • nct_ids (array)

GET /investigators?nct_id=NCT01234567

Return all investigators associated to the provided nct_id.

POST /activity_history

Post the results of the /trials endpoint to /activity_history to get a summary of all investigators involved in trials related to the query. The response object will include an object investigators.

// example request body
{docs: [array of trials from /fetch], recipe: ['investigators']}

Aggregate Analysis API

The aggregate analysis API builds on the Trial API and Investigator API. However, in lieu of trial lists and documents, the endpoints calculate aggregate values for entire collections of trial documents resulting from searches.

POST /profile

Works just like /trials endpoint but return analysis instead of trials. The type of analysis is determined by a recipe property. Some recipe examples are:

// example request body
{docs: [array of trials from /fetch], recipe: ['analyze', 'drug', 'target', 'lead_sponsor', 'investigators']}

Some example recipe values:

  • analyze
  • investigators
  • investigator_activity
  • landscape_by_sponsor
  • all_drugs
  • phase
  • lead_sponsor
  • drug
  • target
  • diseases
  • many more forthcoming...
Query using the `agency_class` recipe  to return the detail aggregate analysis of facet value counts found in trial documents connected to `queryId` for the specific facet.

// Example /profile?recipe[]=agency_class
         "value":"U.S. Fed",


  • July 14, 2020 Removed queryId from POST /trials response object and GET /trials request. Updated default fields. Response object is only JSON. Added /find, /fetch Added Investigators API Removed /portfolio endpoints and are trademarks of Incite Advisors, Inc. and


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