Module 1: Basics of Azure
- Azure Overview
- What is Resource Group?
- What is Region?
- How to create Virtual Machine?
Module 2: YAML Scripting
- Rules for Creating YAML file
- Basic Components of YAML File
- Synopsis of YAML Basic Elements
- Indentation of YAML
- Separation of Strings
- Features of Comments
Module 3: GIT Concepts
- Git Overview
- Installing Git
- Git Concepts
- Git in Practice
- Setting Up Your Profile
- Getting a Git Repository
- Stashing
- Git by Example
- Creating a Git repository on a shared server (git init)
- Cloning a remote repository (git clone)
- Adding files to a local Git repository (git add)
- Checking for status of files in a local Git repository (git status)
- Committing files to a local Git repository (git commit)
- Pushing changes in a local git repository to a remote Git repository (git push)
- Pulling files from a remote Git repository (git pull)
- Merging files and dealing with conflicts (on git pull)
Module 4: Docker Concepts
- Start DevOps with Docker
- DevOps, Docker and Containerization
- Docker and DevOps - Installation and Introduction
- First DevOps Use case with Docker
- Important Docker Concepts
- Docker Images
- Docker - Detached Mode and Logs
- Docker Images and Containers
- Learning Docker Images - Commands
- Learning Docker Containers - Commands
- Building Docker Images for Python Application
- Pushing Python App Docker Image to Docker Hub
Module 5: Planning for DevOps
Lab : Agile Planning and Portfolio Management with Azure Boards
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Select a project and identify project metrics and Key Performance Indicators (KPI's)
- Create a team and agile organizational structure
- Design a tool integration strategy
- Design a strategy for end-to-end traceability from work items to working software
- Design an authentication and access strategy
Module 6: Getting Started with Source Control
- Introduction to Azure Repos
- Introduction to GitHub
Lab : Version Controlling with Git in Azure Repos
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe the benefits of using Source Control
- Describe Azure Repos and GitHub
Module 7: Managing Technical Debt
- Identifying Technical Debt
- Knowledge Sharing within Teams
- Modernizing Development Environments with Codespaces
Lab : Sharing Team Knowledge using Azure Project Wikis
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Manage code quality including technical debt SonarCloud, and other tooling solutions
- Build organizational knowledge on code quality
Module 8: Working with Git for Enterprise DevOps
- How to Structure Your Git Repo
- Git Branching Workflows
- Collaborating with Pull Requests in Azure Repos
- Managing Git Repositories
Lab : Version Controlling with Git in Azure Repos
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Describe Git branching workflows
- Leverage pull requests for collaboration and code reviews
Module 9: Configuring Azure Pipelines
- The Concept of Pipelines in DevOps
- Azure Pipelines
- Evaluate use of Hosted versus Self-Hosted Agents
- Agent Pools
- Pipelines and Concurrency
- Azure DevOps and Open-Source Projects (Public Projects)
- Azure Pipelines YAML versus Visual Designer
Lab : Configuring Agent Pools and Understanding Pipeline Styles
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Explain the role of Azure Pipelines and its components
- Configure Agents for use in Azure Pipelines
Module 10: Implementing Continuous Integration using Azure Pipelines
- Continuous Integration Overview
- Implementing a Build Strategy
- Integration with Azure Pipelines
- Integrating External Source Control with Azure Pipelines
- Set Up Self-Hosted Agents
Lab : Enabling Continuous Integration with Azure Pipelines
Lab : Integrating External Source Control with Azure Pipelines
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Explain why continuous integration matters
- Implement continuous integration using Azure Pipelines
Module 11: Managing Application Configuration and Secrets
- Introduction to Security
- Implement a Secure Development Process
- Rethinking Application Configuration Data
- Manage Secrets, Tokens, and Certificates
- Integrating with Identity Management Systems
- Implementing Application Configuration
Lab : Integrating Azure Key Vault with Azure DevOps
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Manage application configuration and secrets
- Integrate Azure Key Vault with a pipeline
Module 12: Implementing Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions
- GitHub Actions
- Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions
- Securing Secrets for GitHub Actions
Lab : GitHub Actions Continuous Integration
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Create and work with GitHub Actions and Workflows
- Implement Continuous Integration with GitHub Actions
Module 13: Designing and Implementing a Dependency Management Strategy
- Packaging Dependencies
- Package Management
- Migrating and Consolidating Artifacts
- Implementing a Versioning Strategy
Lab : Package Management with Azure Artifacts
Module 14: Designing a Release Strategy
- Introduction to Continuous Delivery
- Release Strategy Recommendations
- Building a High-Quality Release pipeline
- Choosing the Right Release Management Tool
Lab : Controlling Deployments using Release Gates
Module 15: Implementing Continuous Deployment using Azure Pipelines
- Create a Release Pipeline
- Provision and Configure Environments
- Manage and Modularize Tasks and Templates
- Configure Automated Integration and Functional Test Automation
- Automate Inspection of Health
Lab : Configuring Pipelines as Code with YAML
Lab : Setting up and Running Functional Tests
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Explain the terminology used in Azure DevOps and other Release Management Tooling
- Describe what a Build and Release task is, what it can do, and some available deployment tasks
- Explain why you sometimes need multiple release jobs in one release pipeline
- Differentiate between multi-agent and multi-configuration release job
- Use release variables and stage variables in your release pipeline
- Deploy to an environment securely using a service connection
- List the different ways to inspect the health of your pipeline and release by using alerts, service hooks, and reports
Module 16: Implementing an Appropriate Deployment Pattern
- Introduction to Deployment Patterns
- Implement Blue Green Deployment
- Canary Releases
- Dark Launching
Module 17: Managing Infrastructure and Configuration using Azure Tools
- Infrastructure as Code and Configuration Management
- Create Azure Resources using ARM Templates
Lab : Azure Deployments using Resource Manager Templates
Module 18: Third Party Infrastructure as Code Tools Available with Azure
- Ansible
- Terraform
Lab : Automating Infrastructure Deployments in the Cloud with Terraform and Azure Pipelines
Lab : Ansible with Azure
Module 19: Managing Containers using Docker
- Implementing a Container Build Strategy
- Implementing Docker Multi-Stage Builds
Lab : Modernizing Existing ASP.NET Apps with Azure
After completing this module, students will be able to:
- Implement a container strategy including how containers are different from virtual machines and how microservices use containers
- Implement containers using Docker
- Implement Docker multi-stage builds
Module 20: Implementing Feedback for Development Teams
- Implement Tools to Track System Usage, Feature Usage, and Flow
- Develop Monitoring and Status Dashboards
- Integrate and Configure Ticketing Systems
Module 21: Implementing System Feedback Mechanisms
- Design Processes to Capture and Analyze User Feedback
- Managing Alerts
Lab : Integration between Azure DevOps and Teams
Module 22: Implementing Security in DevOps Projects
- Security in the Pipeline
Lab : Implement Security and Compliance in an Azure DevOps Pipeline
Module 23: Validating Code Bases for Compliance
- Open-Source Software
- Managing Security and Compliance Policies
- Integrating License and Vulnerability Scans
Lab : Managing Technical Debt with SonarQube and Azure DevOps
Module 24: Azure AI