Pony ORM extension for yhttp.
sudo apt install python3-dev libpq-dev postgresql # Postgresql
pip install yhttp-pony
This is how to use the extension.
from yhttp import Appliation, json
from yhttp.ext import pony as ponyext
from pony.orm import db_session as dbsession, PrimaryKey, Required
app = Application()
url: postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost/foo
db = ponyext.install(app)
class Foo(db.Entity):
id = PrimaryKey(int, auto=True)
title = Required(str)
def get(req):
return {f.id:f.title for f in Foo.select()}
There is some command line interfaces which will be automatically added to
your application when you call ponyext.install(app)
myapp db create
myapp db drop
import easycli
from yhttp.ext.pony import initialize, deinitialize
from mypackage import app # yhttp application
class InsertMockup(easycli.SubCommand):
__command__ = 'insert-mockup-data'
def __call__(self, args):
initialize(app.db, app.settings.db)
db = install(app, cliarguments=[InsertMockup])
Use it as:
myapp db insert-mockup-data
echo "ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres'" | sudo -u postgres psql
make test
make cover