This package is specifically designed to get orientation, angular velocity and linear acceleration data in the form of "sensor_msgs/Imu" from mpu6050 imu sensor on Nvidia's Jetson Xavier NX board with ROS Noetic.
- Gravity = 9.81m/s2
- Samples to calculate gyro offset = 3000
- Samples to calculate covariances = 1000
- Acceleration sesnitivity factor = 16384.0
- Gyroscope sensitivity factor = 131.0 (+/- 250 degree/sec)
- ROS distribution = Noetic
- Conenct mpu6050 sensor by i2c communication with jetson xavier. Make sure you connect it on i2c bus no. 8
- Update the pakcages.
sudo apt update
- Install i2c-dev library on jetson xavier.
sudo apt install libi2c-dev
- Launch mpu6050.launch file
- Keep MPU stationary until you see a ROS log 'Publishing on topic mpu6050/data' in the terminal
- Always keep MPU in the XY plane (parallel to ground)