Pagetopdf is a simple to use website to pdf converter
- Exports website as one pdf page
- Removal of overlays and static positioned elements
- Width to media query adjustment
- Supports pages with dynamic content/image loading
- Supports endless scrolling pages
npm install -u pagetopdf
pagetopdf [options] <url> <out>
url website to convert
out pdf output file
--vw, --viewport-width <px> viewport width (default: 1280)
--vh, --viewport-height <px> viewport height (default: 1080)
--nes, --no-check-endless-scrolling disable checks for endless scrolling
-s, --scroll-to scroll page until specified height value
--st, --scroll-to-timeout <ms> timeout for scroll to (default: 4000)
--ss, --step-scrolling enables slow scrolling through page (enabled if endless scrolling is detected)
--ssp, --step-scrolling-pause <ms> time to wait between scroll-steps (default: 500)
-w, --wait <ms> time to wait for timeout based events in milliseconds (default: 1000)
--rs, --remove-static remove static positioned elements
--rl, --remove-layers <layers> layers of positioned elements to remove (default: 0)
-h, --help display help for command