Almost ready to be published
Too many changes to overview, can now test functionalities
- b054ed4 - forgot about adding folder - André Veríssimo (HEAD -> master, tag: v0.9.11, origin/master)
- c078b2a - missed byebug -_- - André Veríssimo
- d7b23a9 - could not use report.csv, as it has local path - André Veríssimo
- e638c9d - annotation dir is optional - André Veríssimo
- 8fa7e54 - wrong files copied.. oops - André Veríssimo
- c8e2206 - corrects all tests and defines bootstrap as requirement - André Veríssimo
- dddc269 - add rake to gemfile! - André Veríssimo
- 2d0245b - reduces size of testing - André Veríssimo
- c21d49a - remove byebug - André Veríssimo
- b8936c4 - removes byebug -_- - André Veríssimo
- 6d5c4a6 - add testing script - André Veríssimo
- 3f0580a - adds warning when blast returns no hits - André Veríssimo
- b004c68 - update tests - André Veríssimo
- 515ef42 - change fvesca to blackberry - André Veríssimo
- 62b0456 - validates configuration file - André Veríssimo
- 35cbe0a - update minimum codon to 120 - André Veríssimo