- Saliency detection via graph-based manifold ranking, CVPR 2013
- Saliency detection via dense and sparse reconstruction, CVPR 2013
- Saliency-Aware Video Object Segmentation,
- Saliency-Aware Geodesic Video Object Segmentation
- http://wwwpub.zih.tu-dresden.de/~cvweb/publications/papers/2011/ACriminisi_ACM_TOG2010.pdf
- http://www.kev-smith.com/papers/SMITH_TPAMI12.pdf
- http://www.kev-smith.com/papers/SLIC_Superpixels.pdf
- http://davidstutz.de/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/thesis.pdf
- https://in.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/imseggeodesic.html
- https://sites.google.com/site/uqchang/home/cv-code
main.py --- It is implementation of initial Paper
usage : python main.py img_filename
SaliencyFilter.py --- It is extension of Above paper where it is performed pixel wise
usage : python SaliencyFilter.py img_filename
SaliencyOptimization.py --- It is implementation of Energy Minimization technique
usage : python SaliencyOptimization.py img_filename