Store and receive bitflags from a single database column.
composer require aw-studio/bitflags
Imagine you want to store multiple status flags in a single status(int)
column of your Email
This can be achieved using bitwise operations to create a representative bitmask
In order to enable bitwise operations bitflags MUST
all be powers of two (1,2,4,8,16 …).
You should also make shure to properly cast the column as Bitflags::class
class Email extends Model
// Email status flags, all powers of 2
public const SENT = 1;
public const RECEIVED = 2;
public const SEEN = 4;
public const READ = 8;
protected $fillable = ['status'];
public $casts = [
'status' => Bitflags::class
Adding a bitflag
to a bitmask can be achieved using the addBitflag()
public function markRead()
'status' => addBitflag(self::READ, $this->status)
You can also add multiple flags at once:
'status' => addBitflag([self::READ, self::SEEN], $this->status)
Removing a bitflag
from a bitmask can be achieved using the removeBitflag()
public function markUnread()
'status' => removeBitflag(self::READ, $this->status)
Remove multiple flags at once:
'status' => removeBitflag([self::READ, self::SEEN], $this->status)
To check if bitflags are included in a bitmask you may use the following query methods:
public function scopeRead($query)
return $this->whereBitflag('status', self::READ);
public function scopeUnread($query)
return $this->whereBitflagNot('status', self::READ);
public function scopeSeenOrRead($query)
return $this->whereBitflagIn('status', [self::READ, self::SEEN]);
public function scopeSeenAndRead($query)
return $this->whereBitflags('status', [self::READ, self::SEEN]);
In order to get single flag attributes you can prepare accessors as follows:
protected $appends = ['read'];
public function getReadAttribute()
return inBitmask(self::READ, $this->status);