ezorm is an code-generation based ORM lib for golang, supporting mongodb/sql server/mysql.
data model is defined with YAML file like:
db: mongo
- Title: string
- Hits: int32
- Slug: string
flags: [unique]
- Body: string
- User: int32
- CreateDate: datetime
flags: [sort]
- IsPublished: bool
flags: [index]
indexes: [[User, IsPublished]]
Id field will be automatically included for mongo/mysql/sql server.
ezorm templates are defined in tpl folder and managed via go-bindata.
After go get github.com/ezbuy/ezorm
, you should do:
make init
make debugTpl
to initialize the dependencies & link tpl for debug usages.
go install github.com/ezbuy/ezorm
ezorm gen -i blog.yaml -o .
To generate codes, for model like Blog
, a blog manager will be generated, supporting ActiveRecord like:
p := blog.BlogMgr.NewBlog()
p.Title = "I like ezorm"
p.Slug = "ezorm"
p, err := blog.BlogMgr.FindBySlug("ezorm")
if err != nil {
t.Error("find fail")
fmt.Println("%v", p)
_, err = blog.BlogMgr.FindBySlug("ezorm")
if err == nil {
t.Error("delete fail")