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Guidance for Improving Application Development Productivity with the SAP ABAP Assistant on AWS

Table of Content

  1. Overview
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Deployment Steps
  4. Deployment Validation
  5. Setup
  6. Running the Guidance
  7. Next Steps
  8. Cleanup
  9. Notices
  10. Authors


SAP customers are embarking on digital transformation projects, including RISE with SAP. To accelerate and de-risk transformation projects, customers want to understand ABAP programs in their SAP systems to assess the impact on business processes. Understanding existing custom code can be challenging for several reasons: 1/ lack of quality documentation for ABAP programs, 2/ unavailability of resources that built the custom code, and 3/ lack of resources needed to review and understand the legacy custom code. Also, ABAP developers spend significant time searching the existing codebase and forums for code snippets to incorporate into the ABAP programs. These challenges reduce productivity and impact project deadlines.

With the SAP ABAP Assistant using Amazon Bedrock, SAP customers can accelerate delivery of new ABAP code by generating code snippets with natural language prompts, and generate documentation for custom and standard ABAP programs, improving productivity and accelerating transformation.

This sample code consists of the SAP ABAP Assistant Eclipse plugin release and its source code.


Architecture of SAP ABAP Assistant

  1. Install AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) v2: SAP ABAP Developer installs AWS CLI v2 in Windows or Mac and configures the AWS CLI to authenticate with the AWS IAM Identity Center using aws configure sso command.

  2. Authentication: SAP ABAP Developer authenticates with the AWS IAM Identity Center using the AWS CLI with aws sso login --profile <profile-name> command.

  3. Install SAP ABAP Assistant Plugin: SAP ABAP developer downloads, installs and configures the SAP ABAP Assistant plugin in Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) .

  4. Invoke SAP ABAP Assistant: SAP ABAP Developer authenticates and connects one or more SAP system hosted in AWS VPC or on-premises or SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP) ABAP environment to Eclipse IDE. The developer opens an ABAP program in Eclipse IDE, and selects a block of ABAP code for which the documentation has to be generated. For code generation, the developer writes prompt in simple English in the ABAP program. The developer invokes SAP ABAP Assistant plugin using “Ask Bedrock” menu in Eclipse IDE.

  5. Invoke Foundation Model: The SAP ABAP Assistant plugin sends a request with the selected prompts or ABAP code to Amazon Bedrock to call large language models (LLMs) hosted by Amazon Bedrock, such as the Anthropic’s Claude model to produce ABAP code or documentation.

  6. Response Generation: The SAP ABAP Assistant returns the response back to the ABAP editor in case of code generation or displays documentation in a console in Eclipse IDE. The developer will validate the generated code and if required, modify it to the specific use case.


We recommend creating a Budget through AWS Cost Explorer to help manage costs. Prices are subject to change. For full details, refer to the pricing webpage for each AWS service used in this Guidance.

Sample Cost Table

The following table provides a sample cost breakdown for deploying this Guidance with the default parameters in the US East (N. Virginia) Region

AWS service Price per 1,000 input tokens [USD] Price per 1,000 output tokens [USD]
Amazon Bedrock - Claude 3 Sonnet $ 0.003 $ 0.015


Operating System

You can use SAP ABAP Assistant plugin in Eclipse IDE on MacOS or Windows Operating System

Third-party tools

  1. Install Eclipse IDE with version 2023-09 (4.29.0) and above
  2. Install ABAP Development tools for Eclipse
  3. Create an ABAP project in Eclipse IDE to connect with the ABAP system

AWS account requirements

For this guidance , we will be using the us-east-1 region.

  1. Enable AWS IAM Identity Center with AWS Organizations. Make a note of the Instance ARN and AWS Access portal URL from the Settings page of IAM Identity Center.

Settings page of IAM Identity Center

  1. Access to Amazon Bedrock foundation model: Request access to Anthropic Claude 3 Sonnet foundation model from the Amazon Bedrock console in your AWS account. Alternatively, you can use Anthropic Calude 3 Haiku, Anthropic Claude v2, Anthropic Claude v2.1, Jurassic-2 Mid or Jurassic-2 Ultra foundation models.

AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI)

Install AWS Command Line Interface v2 . To confirm the installation, open your preferred terminal and enter aws --version command

C:\> aws --version
aws-cli/2.15.30 Python/3.11.6 Windows/10 exe/AMD64 prompt/off

Deployment Steps

  1. Clone the GitHub repository to access the AWS CloudFormation deployment template.
git clone
cd ./guidance-for-improving-application-development-productivity-with-the-sap-abap-assistant-on-aws
  1. Deploy the AWS CloudFormation Stack This guidance utilizes the AdministratorAccess role for deployment. For use in a production environment, refer to the security best practices in the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) documentation and modify the IAM roles as needed.
  • Sign in to the AWS CloudFormation console

  • Create Stack > Upload the guidance-for-improving-application-development-productivity-with-the-sap-abap-assistant-on-aws/deployment/prereq-sap-abap-assistant-on-aws.yml file

  • Input the following values:

    • Enter sap-abap-assistant in the stack name
    • For InstanceArn parameter, enter the Instance ARN of AWS IAM Identity Center
    • The PermissionSetName parameter is populated with the value ABAPAssistantAccess
    • The SessionDuration parameter is populated with the value PT8H
  • Deploy the CloudFormation stack

Deployment Validation

  • Open the AWS CloudFormation console and verify the status of the stack deployment with the name starting with sap-abap-assistant.
  • If deployment is successful, you should see a permission set with the name ABAPAssistantAccess in the AWS IAM Identity Center.
  • [Optional] - You can see the detailed output in the AWS CloudFormation Stack sap-abap-assistant using below AWS CLI command.
    aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name sap-abap-assistant --query 'Stacks[0].Outputs' --output table --no-cli-pager


  1. As per the identity source configured in your IAM Identitiy Cetner, assign permission set created above to the user or group in IAM Identity Center.


  1. Open your preferred terminal in MacOS or Windows Operating System to run the AWS CLI commands

  2. Enter the command aws configure sso to create the SSO token provider configuration.

    $ aws configure sso
    SSO session name (Recommended): abap-assistant-sso
    SSO start URL [None]:
    SSO region [None]: us-east-1
    SSO registration scopes [None]: sso:account:access
  3. The AWS CLI attempts to open your default browser and begin the login process for your IAM Identity Center account.

  4. The AWS CLI displays the AWS accounts available for you to use. Use the arrow keys to select the account you want to use. If you are authorized to use only one account, the AWS CLI selects that account for you automatically and skips the prompt.

    There are 2 AWS accounts available to you.
    > DeveloperAccount, [email protected] (123456789011) 
    ProductionAccount, [email protected] (123456789022)
  5. The AWS CLI confirms your account choice, and displays the IAM roles that are available to you in the selected account. Use the arrow keys to select the IAM role ABAPAssistantAccess and press <ENTER>. If the selected account lists only one role, the AWS CLI selects that role for you automatically and skips the prompt.

    Using the account ID 123456789011
    There are 2 roles available to you.
    > ReadOnly
  6. Specify the default output format, the default AWS Region to send commands to, and provide a name as abap-assistant for the profile so you can reference this profile from Eclipse plugin.

    CLI default client Region [None]: us-east-1
    CLI default output format [None]: json
    CLI profile name [ABAPAssistantAccess-123456789011]: abap-assistant
  7. A final message describes the completed profile configuration.

    To use this profile, specify the profile name using --profile, as shown:
    aws s3 ls --profile abap-assistant
  8. This results in creating the sso-session section with the name abap-assistant-sso and named profile with the name abap-assistant in the credentials file located at ~/.aws/credentials on macOS, or at C:\Users\\credentials on Windows.

    [profile abap-assistant]
    sso_session = abap-assistant-sso
    sso_account_id = 123456789011
    sso_role_name = ABAPAssistantAccess
    region = us-east-1
    output = json
    [sso-session abap-assistant-sso]
    sso_start_url =
    sso_region = us-east-1
    so_registration_scopes = sso:account:access
  9. To reauthenticate after the session expiry, you need to use the following command.

    aws sso login --profile abap-assistant

Plugin Installation

  1. From the main page of the GitHub repository, click Releases . From the latest listed releae, download the SAP ABAP Assistant plugin zip file (for e.g. from the Assets section. Save the plugin zip file in your local file system.

  2. Open Eclipse IDE and choose Help -> Install New Software. Choose the Add… button. In the next dialog window, choose Archive… and select the zip file that you downloaded. Choose Add.

    Eclipse Installation Wizard

  3. Uncheck the option Group items by category. You will see SAP ABAP Assistant plugin listed along with the version number Select the plugin and choose Next

    SAP ABAP Assistant in Eclipse Installation Wizard

  4. In the subsequent windows, choose Next, and accept the terms of the license agreement and choose Finish. Eclipse will start the installation of plugin. You can see the status of installation at the bottom right corner of the Eclipse IDE. Eclipse will prompt to trust the artifacts. Choose Trust Selected.

    Trust Artifacts in Eclipse

  5. You will then see a dialog box asking you to restart Eclipse. Choose Restart Now. After the Eclipse has restarted, you can see a menu bar at the top called Ask Bedrock with two submenus – ABAP Code Assistant and ABAP Documentation Assistant

    SAP ABAP Assistant Menu in Eclipse

Plugin Configuration

Before using ABAP Assistant plugin , you need to set up the plugin preferences in the Eclipse IDE. Choose Windows -> Preferences (on Windows), or Eclipse -> Settings (on MacOS) to bring up the preferences dialog page of Eclipse. In the left pane , choose SAP ABAP Assistant. Input the following settings :

  • AWS Region – Enter us-east-1. Refer this documentation for list of AWS region codes.

  • Model ID – Enter anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0. The plugin currently supports Anthropic Claude (v2, v2.1, Claude 3 Sonnet, Claude 3.5 Sonnet and Claude 3 Haiku), Meta Llama 3.1 405B and Jurassic-2 (mid and ultra) models . Refer this documentation for list of Amazon bedrock Model IDs.

  • AWS Profile – Enter the name of the AWS profile abap-assistant that you created

  • Prompt for ABAP Code – The prompt for generating ABAP code is prepopulated. If required, you can change the prompt as per your requirements.

  • Prompt for Docmentation – The prompt for generating ABAP documentation is prepopulated. If required, you can change the prompt as per your requirements.

The following screenshot shows the SAP ABAP Assistant plugin preferences page.

SAP ABAP Assistant Preferences Page

Running the Guidance

ABAP Code Assistant

In the ABAP perspective of Eclipse, open an existing ABAP program or create a new ABAP program. Enter the below prompts to generate ABAP code to retreive and display the material data from table MARA present in SAP S/4HANA system.

* Define a structure ty_material with fields MATNR MTART BRGEW GEWEI
* Define a table lt_material from ty_material
* Select MATNR MTART BRGEW GEWEI from table MARA into lt_material
* Display data in ALV format using CL_SALV_TABLE with appropriate parameters

In the Eclipse editor, select the lines of written text using your cursor and then select Ask Bedrock -> ABAP Code Assistant

Selecting the ABAP Code Assistant menu in eclipse to generate the ABAP Code

The ABAP assistant plugin will generate ABAP code after the last line of comment. You will see the generated ABAP code resembles the example in the following screenshot.

ABAP Code generated by SAP ABAP Assistant

ABAP Documentation Assistant

To generate the documentation, open the ABAP program RH_GET_ADDRESS in Eclipse and select all the lines of ABAP code. Then select Ask Bedrock -> ABAP Documentation Assistant.

Selecting the ABAP Documentation Assistant menu in eclipse to generate the ABAP documentation

You can see the ABAP documentation for the selected lines of ABAP code in a console named BEROCK_ABAP_CONSOLE at the bottom of the eclipse IDE. You will see the documentation that resembles the example in the following screenshot.

ABAP Documentation generated by SAP ABAP Assistant

Next Steps

You can modify the source code as per your requirements and generate a new version of the plugin. For example, you can add support to an additional foundation model (for e.g. Cohere Command). You can create a custom model by training a foundation model using Amazon Bedrock and then input the custom model ID in the ABAP Assistant plugin preferences in Eclipse.

  1. Clone the GitHub repository to access the code.
git clone
cd ./guidance-for-improving-application-development-productivity-with-the-sap-abap-assistant-on-aws
  1. Download and install Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers with version 2023-09 and above.

  2. Import the source code in Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers. Choose File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven projects.

    Import wizard in Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers

  3. Browser to the source folder which has the downloaded source code. Choose Finish.

    Import soure code in Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers

  4. The imported projects can be seen in the Package Explorer view in Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers.

    Imported projects in Eclipse IDE for Eclipse Committers

  5. Make the required code changes as per your requirements in the project com.demo.abap_assistant_plugin.

  6. Update the Plugin version in com.demo.abap_assistant_plugin -> plugin.xml and in com.demo.abap_assistant_feature -> feature.xml

    update version number in plugin.xml file of plugin project

    update version number in feature.xml file of feature project

  7. To generate a new version, right click on com.demo.abap_assistant_plugin.releng -> Run As -> Maven Build. In the Goals enter tycho-versions:update-pom and Choose Run.

    Maven command to update the version

  8. Right click on com.demo.abap_assistant_plugin.releng -> Run As -> Maven Build. In the Goals enter clean install and choose Run.

    Maven clean install command

    You should see a log resembling the below screenshot in the console

    Maven Build log

  9. The plugin will be generated in com.demo.abap_assistant_p2 -> target -> repository folder.

    repository folder where plugin will be generated

  10. You can install or update to the new version of the plugin in by selecting Help -> Install New Software in Eclipse and pointing to the repository folder. Alternatively, you can zip the contents under repository folder and point to the zip file.

    Installing new version of SAP ABAP Assistant plugin


Uninstall SAP ABAP Assistant Plugin

If you want to unisntall the ABAP Assitant from Eclipse, proceed with the below steps:

  1. In Eclipse IDE, choose Help -> About Eclipse IDE (on Windows), or Eclipse -> About Eclipse (on MacOS) and then choose Installation Details to list the installed softwares.

    About Eclipse option in Eclipse IDE

  2. Select ABAP Assistant from the list, and then choose Uninstall

    ABAP Assistant Uninstall option

  3. In the subsequent screen, choose Finish to unisntall the ABAP Asssistant Plugin. You will then see a dialog box asking you to restart Eclipse. Choose Restart Now. Uninstalling ABAP Assistant plugin

AWS resources

  1. Remove the permission set ABAPAssistantAccess from all AWS accounts that use the permission set. Refer this link for the steps to be followed.

  2. You can delete the permission set manually or by deleting the entire AWS CloudFormation stack.

  • If you want to delete the entire stack using the CloudFormation console:
    • Sign in to the AWS CloudFormation console
    • Select the Stack sap-abap-assistant and click on delete.


Customers are responsible for making their own independent assessment of the information in this Guidance. This Guidance: (a) is for informational purposes only, (b) represents AWS current product offerings and practices, which are subject to change without notice, and (c) does not create any commitments or assurances from AWS and its affiliates, suppliers or licensors. AWS products or services are provided “as is” without warranties, representations, or conditions of any kind, whether express or implied. AWS responsibilities and liabilities to its customers are controlled by AWS agreements, and this Guidance is not part of, nor does it modify, any agreement between AWS and its customers.


Adren D Souza


This Guidance demonstrates how to set up the SAP ABAP Assistant, a plugin that integrates with Amazon Bedrock in the Eclipse integrated development environment (IDE)



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