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This Guidance demonstrates a robust approach to incrementally export and maintain a centralized data repository reflecting ongoing changes in a distributed database.


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Guidance for Incremental Data Exports on AWS

Table of Content

  1. Overview
  2. Prerequisites
  3. Deployment Steps
  4. Deployment Validation
  5. Running the Guidance
  6. Next Steps
  7. Cleanup


We will be using DynamoDB Incremental export to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) feature to update the downstream systems regularly using only the changed data. You no longer need to do a full export each time you need fresh data. The incremental export feature outputs only the data items that have been inserted, updated, or deleted between two specified points in time. The file format for incremental exports is different from full exports because it acts as an overlay (like a patch in source code) and includes metadata such as the time of each item’s last update as well as the old and new images of the item. Tooling that can read the full export format will not natively be able to read the combination of a full export plus the series of incremental exports without effectively applying the overlay first. The typical way to setup your analytics using DynamoDB exports is to first initiate a one-time full export to generate a new Iceberg table, and then repeatedly perform incremental exports (each incremental time period can be as small as 15 minutes or as large as 24 hours) to update the Iceberg table with all the changes. The data processing is done using Spark jobs running at scale on EMR serverless.

In this post, you learn how to bulk process a series of full and incremental exports using Amazon EMR Serverless with Apache Spark to produce a single Apache Iceberg table representing the latest state of the DynamoDB table, which you will then be able to query using Amazon Athena. Note that everything, from exporting to bulk processing to querying, is serverless.

Overview of the AWS Services and Technologies Used in the Guidance:

  • Amazon EMR Serverless makes it simple to run applications using open-source analytics frameworks like Apache Spark and Apache Hive without configuring, managing, or scaling clusters.

  • Apache Spark is an interface for programming clusters with implicit data parallelism and fault tolerance.

  • Apache Iceberg is a table format geared for large-scale datasets stored in S3 that has features like rapid query performance, atomic commits, and concurrent writing abilities. It also supports time-travel to query the data at points in the past. You can learn more on how Iceberg works.

  • Amazon Athena is a serverless, interactive analytics service built on open-source frameworks, supporting open-table and file formats

The following diagram shows the pipeline:

Architecture diagram

  1. Application traffic consistently adding, updating, and deleting items in an Amazon DynamoDB table.

  2. Perform full export of your Amazon DynamoDB table. This will writes the exported data into Amazon S3 in JSON format.

  3. Create, prepare and use Amazon EMR Serverless. This will read the full export of Amazon DynamoDB table from Amazon S3 and will dynamically identify Iceberg table schema with the full set of columns that will map to all the unique attributes from your full DynamoDB exported dataset

  4. Create AWS Glue Data Catalog to persist the Iceberg table meta store to query the table from Athena (or any Hive Meta store compatible query engine) using the same Glue Catalog

  5. Use Amazon EMR Serverless to build the Iceberg table based on the full export of Amazon DynamoDB table and using the Iceberg table generated schema

  6. Analyst uses Amazon Athena query to verify that the Iceberg table is accessible and readable. This involves executing SELECT query on the Iceberg table through Athena to ensure that data can be retrieved successfully and accurately.

  7. Perform an incremental export of your Amazon DynamoDB table in JSON format. This will only export the changed data from Amazon DynamoDB table since the last full or incremental export

  8. Use Amazon EMR Serverless to update previously created Iceberg table with the incremental export of Amazon DynamoDB table data

  9. Analyst will use same Amazon Athena query to verify that the Iceberg table shows changed records. For example, if you’ve added or deleted items in DynamoDB table after full export, the count should reflect this


You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this Guidance.

As of 04/15/2024, the cost for running this guidance with the default settings in the US East (N. Virginia) is approximately $44.80 per month for processing 10 GB Full Export & 1 GB incremental export.

AWS service Dimensions Monthly Cost [USD]
Amazon DynamoDB Table class (Standard), Average item size (all attributes) (.5 KB), Data storage size (10 GB) Full export to Amazon S3 (10 GB), Incremental export to Amazon S3 (1 GB) $ 3.60 month
AWS S3 5 GB of Amazon S3 Standard storage, 20,000 Get Requests, 2,000 Put Requests, and 100 GB of data transfer out $ 0.49 month
Amazon EMR Serverless 4 vCPU hours x 49.60 hours job runtime/month & 16 memory hours $ 15.02 month
Amazon Athena Total number of queries (2976 per month), Amount of data scanned per query (1 GB) $ 14.53 month
AWS Glue Number of DPUs for Apache Spark job (2), Number of DPUs for Python Shell job (0.0625) Number of Objects stored (1 million per month), Number of access requests (1 million per month) $ 11.15 month
Total $ 44.80 month

We recommend creating a Budget through AWS Cost Explorer to help manage costs. Prices are subject to change. For full details, refer to the pricing webpage for each AWS service used in this Guidance.


  • The AWS CLI installed.
  • The visual editor of your choice, for example Visual Studio Code.
  • Install CloudFormation template to quickly deploy and test the solution. Follow the steps that are mentioned in this link to deploy the stack.
  • Permissions to deploy an DynamoDB table.

Operating System

This solution supports build environments in Mac or Windows.

AWS account requirements

This Guidance requires that you have access to the following AWS services:

  • Amazon DynamoDB
  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon EMR Serverless
  • Amazon Athena
  • AWS Glue

Deployment Steps

These deployment instructions are optimized to best work on Mac or Amazon Linux 2023. Deployment in another OS may require additional steps.

  1. Clone the repo using command git clone
  2. cd to the repo folder cd guidance-for-incremental-data-exports-on-aws
  3. cd to code folder to deploy the CloudFormation template cd code
  4. Run the below command to deploy the stack in your account.
aws cloudformation create-stack \
--stack-name createddbtable \
--template-body file://CloudFormation.yaml

Deployment Validation

Open CloudFormation console and verify the status of the template with the name of the stack specified in step 4 of the deployment steps.

Running the Guidance

You can use your existing DynamoDB table for export or can use the table product created by stack in the deployment step for analytics. Exporting from a table doesn’t change the table or interfere with other traffic to the table. If you want to create a small sample table just for experimental purposes, you can refer to the getting started guide to setup your table.

If you planning to use the DynamoDB table created by the stack in the deployment step then lets insert some items in the table before performing full export

Run below CLI command to insert items in the DynamoDB table product created by stack

aws dynamodb put-item \
    --table-name product \
    --item '{
        "product_id": {"S": "18"},
        "quantity": {"N": "100"},
        "remaining_count": {"N": "158"},
        "inventory_date": {"S": "2023-11-28"},
        "price": {"S": "0.3154686218727"},
        "product_name": {"S": "Coffee Maker"}

aws dynamodb put-item \
    --table-name product \
    --item '{
        "product_id": {"S": "13"},
        "quantity": {"N": "10"},
        "remaining_count": {"N": "626"},
        "inventory_date": {"S": "2023-10-14"},
        "price": {"S": "37644223522.8023"},
        "product_name": {"S": "Wireless Bluetooth Headphones"}

    aws dynamodb put-item \
    --table-name product \
    --item '{
        "product_id": {"S": "9"},
        "quantity": {"N": "3"},
        "remaining_count": {"N": "846"},
        "inventory_date": {"S": "2023-12-06"},
        "price": {"S": "97496296422.6562"},
        "product_name": {"S": "Fitness Tracker"}

    aws dynamodb put-item \
    --table-name product \
    --item '{
        "product_id": {"S": "1"},
        "quantity": {"N": "12"},
        "remaining_count": {"N": "773"},
        "inventory_date": {"S": "2023-10-25"},
        "price": {"S": "8.21824213901464"},
        "product_name": {"S": "Fitness Tracker"}

These instructions use three S3 bucket locations.

  1. An S3 folder for the full and incremental exports (“dynamodb-export-bucket”)
  2. An S3 folder for the Spark scripts (“spark-script-bucket”)
  3. An S3 folder for the Iceberg table (“iceberg-bucket”) as well as a generated schema definition file

You can use the same S3 bucket for all these with different prefixes, or you can use different buckets. We recommend you follow S3 security best practices when you setup S3 buckets.

Step 1: Perform a full export from your DynamoDB table

You’ll get things started with a full export of your DynamoDB table. This step is only done once.

  1. To do a full export, navigate to the Exports to S3 section in your DynamoDB console and choose Export to S3.

  2. Specify a DynamoDB table, an S3 bucket (<dynamodb-export-bucket>), and an optional prefix. Select Full export and select Export from an earlier point in time. Pick a nice round number time value from the recent past for simplicity. This will then be the starting time of your first incremental export. If you’re doing hourly exports, pick a recent top of the hour. In this example we will use 2023-10-01 12:00:00 in the local time zone. Select DynamoDB JSON as your output type, pick the encryption key, and choose Export.

Solutions Screen-1

For more details on how to do a full export, see AWS documentation on DynamoDB exports.

Once the full export completes, you will see the output in your S3 bucket.

Step 2: Create an EMR Serverless application

Next, configure an EMR Serverless application that will act as the execution environment for all your bulk activities. EMR Serverless is ideal for these jobs because it runs for a short duration and then has a long delay before the next invocation. EMR Serverless automatically determines the resources that the application needs, allocates these resources to process your jobs, and releases the resources when the jobs finish. Hence, you do not incur any additional costs when your jobs are not running.

From your AWS Console, make sure you’re in the same AWS Region as where your three buckets are located. Then search for Amazon EMR to open the EMR console. On the left sidebar choose EMR Serverless.

Solutions Screen-2

  1. Select Get started (or if this isn’t your first time using EMR Studio, select Manage applications).

  2. Now you can create an EMR Serverless application. Choose type Spark and the latest version of EMR from drop down as shown:

Solutions Screen-3

There are other optional configurations you can adjust, but the defaults will work for this walkthrough. If you prefer the AWS command-line interface (CLI), the following command creates a similar cluster:

aws emr-serverless create-application --name "ddb-incremental-exports" --type SPARK --release-label emr-6.14.0

If you’re using the CLI, note the EMR serverless application ID that is returned. It is required in later steps. You can also retrieve the EMR serverless application ID from the AWS EMR console where you can see your newly created EMR serverless application.

Step 3: Prepare an EMR Serverless execution role

The EMR Serverless job execution requires an IAM role that has sufficient permissions to read from the <dynamodb-export-bucket> and <spark-script-bucket>, read and write the <iceberg-bucket>, and access the AWS Glue Catalog.

You can download a sample set of AWS CLI commands then replace the bucket placeholder names with your actual bucket names inside the script. After replacing the bucket names, you can run the set of CLI commands to create an IAM role in your AWS account with the right permissions.

Step 4: Use EMR Serverless to read the full export and dynamically identify the table schema

DynamoDB doesn’t enforce a schema and different items can have different attributes. Iceberg tables, however, have a fixed schema. The best way to ensure that your unstructured DynamoDB data correctly maps to your structured Iceberg table is to create an Iceberg table with the full set of columns that will map to all the unique attributes from your full DynamoDB dataset.

You can also define the schema manually but it might be easier to run a Spark job that analyzes your DynamoDB full export and outputs the schema with all the attributes.

The script to infer the schema is available at It writes the generated schema in JSON format. Save the script and upload it to s3://<spark-script-bucket>/<optional-prefix>/. The IAM role above should give your EMR Serverless application read access to this bucket.

You will now submit a job to infer your schema using the full export. The job will be submitted to the EMR Serverless application you created in the previous step.

  1. Go to the Submit job in you EMR application.

  2. Enter a name of your job. In this case, we will name it “detect_schema_from_full_export”.

  3. For the Runtime role, use the ARN for the role you created in Step 3 (selectable from drop down).

  4. For the Script location, enter the S3 path where you saved the Python script (you can use the UI to find it).

  5. For the Script arguments, provide the S3 location of the DynamoDB full export (from step 1) and the output file path where the schema file will be written. Note that job role running your EMR serverless application needs write permissions to the schema output location. You can use the <iceberg-bucket> since you already have the job role setup for write permissions on that bucket. Here is starter text to copy-paste for the arguments:


Real example to demonstrate the script arguments:


Ensure that all three buckets are co-located in the same Region as the EMR Serverless application job. If they are not in the same region, the job will fail with a ConnectTimeoutException during execution.

Solutions Screen-4

Alternatively, you can use the following AWS CLI submit for your job to the EMR Serverless application.

aws emr-serverless start-job-run \
  --application-id application-id \
  --execution-role-arn job-role-arn \
  --job-driver '{"sparkSubmit": {"entryPoint": "s3://<spark-script-bucket>/<optional-prefix>/", "entryPointArguments": ["s3://<dynamodb-export-bucket>/<optional-prefix>/<full-export-folder>/", "s3://<iceberg-bucket>/<optional-prefix>/schema.json"]}}'

The job will take a few minutes to run, depending on the size of your DynamoDB full export. You can track the job progress in the EMR Serverless job console. If it says Success, the job has completed. Otherwise, review the console error or driver logs (stdout/stderr) and correct any errors such as a mistyped parameter.

Solutions Screen-5

Upon success, you’ll have a schema.json file at the location specified in the arguments which contains the schema from your DynamoDB full export. It should look something like this:

# Sample schema
# Key is column name, value is a data type 
    "product_id": "S",
    "quantity": "N",
    "remaining_count": "N",
    "inventory_date": "S",
    "price": "S",
    "product_name": "S"

Step 5: Create an AWS Glue Data Catalog database

We suggest you use AWS Glue Data Catalog to persist the Iceberg table meta store so you can query the tables from Athena (or any Hive Meta store compatible query engine) using the same Glue Catalog. The scripts from this post assume dev as the default catalog name and db as the default database name. Create the db database in your Glue Data Catalog using following AWS CLI command:

aws glue create-database --database-input '{"Name":"db"}'

Step 6: Use EMR Serverless to build the Iceberg table based on the full export and using the generated schema

Download the script and store it in your <spark-script-bucket> to load the full export into an Iceberg table. The pyspark script does these main actions:

  1. Reads the JSON data into a DataFrame A DataFrame is a data structure that organizes data into a 2-dimensional table of rows and columns. DataFrames are one of the most common data structures used in modern data analytics because they are a flexible and intuitive way of storing and working with data. The first data frame here matches the JSON format in the S3 bucket.

  2. Applies the schema to make a new DataFrame The script then uses the schema to transform the JSON-based DataFrame to one that matches the provided schema.

  3. Writes the new DataFrame to the target Iceberg table The script then bulk writes the DataFrame to a new Iceberg table.

Submit the job using the console to the EMR Serverless application as shown in the screenshot below. Provide a name for the job, the job role, the location of your python script (<spark-script-bucket>), and script arguments.

Solutions Screen-6

Here is starter text to copy-paste for the script arguments:


Real example to demonstrate the script arguments:


Alternatively, you can use the AWS CLI to submit your job to the EMR Serverless application.

aws emr-serverless start-job-run \
  --application-id application-id \
  --execution-role-arn job-role-arn \
  --job-driver '{"sparkSubmit": {"entryPoint": "s3://<spark-script-bucket>/<optional-prefix>/","entryPointArguments": ["s3://<dynamodb-export-bucket>/<optional-prefix>/<full-export-folder>/","s3://<iceberg-bucket>/<optional-prefix>/schema.json","<iceberg-table-name>","s3://<iceberg-bucket>/<optional-prefix>"]}}'

The script will take a few minutes to run. You can track the progress in the AWS console.

Step 7: Use Athena to confirm the new Iceberg table is readable

Next, you can use Athena to confirm the new Iceberg table was created correctly. In the AWS console, open the Athena service and open the Query editor on the left sidebar.

  1. Before you run your first query, you must set up a query result location in S3.

  2. Go to the Settings tab and point to a prefix of your choosing under the <iceberg-bucket>.

  3. For a query, choose “select * from <iceberg-table-name> limit 10” where your table name matches that given in Step 6.

The following screenshot shows a simple select with the first 10 items from the Iceberg table. You can also try “select count(*) from <iceberg-table-name>” to see how many items are presently in the Iceberg table.

Solutions Screen-7

Note that the table is automatically visible from the Athena console because the previous script created the Iceberg table using Glue Data Catalog.

Step 8: Perform an incremental export from your DynamoDB table

For running the guidance, If you using DynamoDB table product created by the stack then lets make some changes in the items before perforrming incremental export

Run below CLI command to update quantiry for items with product_id 18 and delete item with product_id 1

aws dynamodb update-item \
    --table-name product \
    --key '{"product_id": {"S": "18"}}' \
    --update-expression "SET quantity = :value" \
    --expression-attribute-values '{":value": {"S": "100"}}'

aws dynamodb delete-item \
    --table-name product \
    --key '{"product_id": {"S": "1"}}'

To run an incremental export, use the AWS console for DynamoDB and navigate to the Exports to S3. Select the same table, and provide the target S3 bucket and prefix. These can be the same as your full export, but don’t have to be. Select Incremental Export. The start time should be the time used in Step 1. The end time can be an hour later. With exports the start time is always inclusive and the end time is always exclusive, so by using the exact same timestamp when stitching exports together it ensures no missing or duplicate data. Select DynamoDB JSON as your export type, choose either New and old images or New images only (the Spark script only requires the new images), pick your encryption key, and start the export.

Solutions Screen-8

Step 9: Update the Iceberg table with the incremental export

While waiting for the incremental export job to complete, you can copy the script and save it in <spark-script-bucket>.

The script works similarly to the script for full exports, except in the final step it will MERGE the incremental export’s DataFrame into the existing Iceberg table. To merge this incremental data into the target Iceberg table, the script dynamically creates join conditions based on the item keys. These conditions will determine how the incremental data matches with existing records in the target table. The MERGE INTO command allows for the combination of the target and source tables based on the join conditions.

The merge logic is as follows:

  1. If a record in the target table matches a record in the incremental data, and the incremental data value is null for the key, the record in the target table is deleted.

  2. If a record in the target table matches a record in the incremental data, the record in the target table is updated.

  3. If there’s no match for a record from the incremental data in the target table, the record is inserted into the target table.

  4. The constructed merge query is then executed using SparkSQL, resulting in the target table being updated with the latest incremental changes.

To submit the incremental update job, go to the EMR console and choose Submit job to your EMR Serverless application. This step is similar to step 5. Just note the different script name and the need to point at the incremental export folder this time. This section should include:

Solutions Screen-9

Here is starter text to copy-paste for the arguments:


Real example to demonstrate the script arguments (note the new incremental path):


Alternatively, you can use the AWS CLI to submit your job to the EMR Serverless application.

aws emr-serverless start-job-run \
  --application-id application-id \
  --execution-role-arn job-role-arn \
  --job-driver '{"sparkSubmit": {"entryPoint": "s3://<spark-script-bucket>/<optional-prefix>/","entryPointArguments": ["s3://<dynamodb-export-bucket>/<optional-prefix>/<incremental-export-folder>","s3://<iceberg-bucket>/<optional-prefix>/schema.json","<iceberg-table-name>","s3://<iceberg-bucket>/<optional-prefix>"]}}'

When the script completes, the Iceberg tables will have been updated with the incremental export. Table changes are atomic, and readers never see partial or uncommitted changes.

To run this work on a schedule, you can repeat Step 8 and Step 9. For Step 8, adjusting the export period to meet your requirements of how often you want to update your data lake. For Step 9, make sure to substitute the new incremental export folder with the new export ID.

Note: Consider compacting your Iceberg tables periodically as well to reduce the accumulated metadata overhead and improve query speed.

Step 10: Use Athena to confirm the update

You can confirm the update by running the same Athena queries as before, now with different results. For example, if you’ve added or removed items, the count should reflect this.

The following screenshot shows a simple select with updated values (quantity for product_id 18 was updated to 100) due to incremental updates on your full table. If you were using your own data, the schema would be different.

Solutions Screen-10

Some Iceberg features to be aware of:

  1. Schema evolution – the ability to change the table schema if the DynamoDB table schema were to change. Just remember to update the JSON schema file to pick up changes for your incremental exports and alter iceberg table.

  2. Time travel – the ability to query at a past time regardless of the current state of the data

Next Steps

In this post, you learned how to build on Amazon DynamoDB’s incremental export to S3 feature to keep an Apache Iceberg table continuously updated using Amazon EMR Serverless. The Iceberg format supports high performance access from multiple downstream tools. If your use case aligns with the example provided in the guidance, We encourage you to give it a try with your Amazon DynamoDB table.


  1. To delete the stack deployed using the CloudFormation template follow the steps mentioned in this link.
  2. If using AWS Cli run the following command:
    aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name createddbtable
  3. If you created any demo DynamoDB tables, you can delete those tables to clean up.
  4. It’s good form to stop and delete your EMR Serverless application as part of the clean-up, but you would only be charged if you are running jobs under the application.
  5. Lastly, you may wish to delete any S3 objects to avoid unwanted charges to your AWS account.


Customers are responsible for making their own independent assessment of the information in this Guidance. This Guidance: (a) is for informational purposes only, (b) represents AWS current product offerings and practices, which are subject to change without notice, and (c) does not create any commitments or assurances from AWS and its affiliates, suppliers or licensors. AWS products or services are provided “as is” without warranties, representations, or conditions of any kind, whether express or implied. AWS responsibilities and liabilities to its customers are controlled by AWS agreements, and this Guidance is not part of, nor does it modify, any agreement between AWS and its customers.


This Guidance demonstrates a robust approach to incrementally export and maintain a centralized data repository reflecting ongoing changes in a distributed database.



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