Error running analysis for javascript: Encountered a fatal error while running "/opt/hostedtoolcache/CodeQL/2.18.3/x64/codeql/codeql database run-queries --ram=14567 --threads=4 /home/runner/work/_temp/codeql_databases/javascript --expect-discarded-cache --min-disk-free=1024 -v --intra-layer-parallelism". Exit code was 100 and error was: Oops! A fatal internal error occurred. Details:
com.semmle.util.exception.CatastrophicError: An error occurred while evaluating GlobalAccessPaths::AccessPath::DominatingPaths::hasDominatingWrite/1#085234a7/1@256e8fm3
Severe disk cache trouble (corruption or out of space) at /home/runner/work/_temp/codeql_databases/javascript/db-javascript/default/cache/pages/af/d5/3c.pack: Failed to write item to disk
The RA to evaluate was:
{3} r1 = JOIN `_DataFlow::DataFlow::Node.asExpr/0#dispred#d0c15559_10#join_rhs__GlobalAccessPaths::AccessPath::Domi__#shared` WITH DataFlow::DataFlow::PropRead#class#cf83989a ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Lhs.1, Lhs.2, Lhs.0
{2} | JOIN WITH `GlobalAccessPaths::AccessPath::DominatingPaths::getAWriteBlock/2#7803a4ae` ON FIRST 2 OUTPUT Rhs.2, Lhs.2
{2} | JOIN WITH `doublyBoundedFastTC:BasicBlocks::bbIDominates/2#1e98c4d1:_#BasicBlocks::bbIDominates/2#1e98c4d1Plus#sourceBound#3_DataFlow::DataFlow::PropRead#class#cf83989a__#higher_order_body:#BasicBlocks::bbIDominates/2#1e98c4d1Plus#sinkBound#5` ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Rhs.1, Lhs.1
{2} | JOIN WITH `BasicBlocks::Internal::reachableBB/1#8fd72ec9` ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Lhs.1, Lhs.0
{1} | JOIN WITH `DataFlow::DataFlow::Node.getBasicBlock/0#dispred#c5be9756` ON FIRST 2 OUTPUT Lhs.0
{6} r2 = SCAN `GlobalAccessPaths::AccessPath::DominatingPaths::rankedAccessPath/5#e0655669` OUTPUT In.4, In.0, In.1, In.2, In.3, In.5
{5} | JOIN WITH num#GlobalAccessPaths::AccessPath::DominatingPaths::AccessPathRead#76185b13 ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Lhs.5, Lhs.1, Lhs.2, Lhs.3, Lhs.4
{5} | JOIN WITH `DataFlow::DataFlow::Node.asExpr/0#dispred#d0c15559_10#join_rhs` ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Rhs.1, Lhs.1, Lhs.2, Lhs.3, Lhs.4
{5} | JOIN WITH DataFlow::DataFlow::PropRead#class#cf83989a ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Lhs.1, Lhs.2, Lhs.3, Lhs.4, Lhs.0
{4} | JOIN WITH `project#GlobalAccessPaths::AccessPath::DominatingPaths::rankedAccessPath/5#e0655669` ON FIRST 3 OUTPUT Lhs.3, Lhs.4, Rhs.3, Rhs.4
{4} | REWRITE WITH TEST InOut.2 < InOut.0
{2} | SCAN OUTPUT In.3, In.1
{1} | JOIN WITH num#GlobalAccessPaths::AccessPath::DominatingPaths::AccessPathWrite#bbe94736 ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Lhs.1
{3} r3 = JOIN `_DataFlow::DataFlow::Node.asExpr/0#dispred#d0c15559_DataFlow::DataFlow::PropRead#class#cf83989a#shared` WITH `DataFlow::DataFlow::PropRef.getPropertyNameExpr/0#dispred#7019ab7c` ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Lhs.0, Lhs.1, Rhs.1
{4} | JOIN WITH `DataFlow::DataFlow::PropRef.getBase/0#dispred#ec4de665` ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Lhs.2, Lhs.0, Lhs.1, Rhs.1
{4} | JOIN WITH `project#SSA::SsaVariable.getAUseIn/1#dispred#50512703_10#join_rhs` ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Rhs.1, Lhs.1, Lhs.2, Lhs.3
{4} | JOIN WITH `project#SSA::SsaVariable.getAUseIn/1#dispred#50512703` ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Rhs.1, Lhs.1, Lhs.2, Lhs.3
{4} | JOIN WITH `DataFlow::DataFlow::PropRef.getPropertyNameExpr/0#dispred#7019ab7c_10#join_rhs` ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Rhs.1, Lhs.1, Lhs.2, Lhs.3
{5} | JOIN WITH `DataFlow::DataFlow::PropWrite.getWriteNode/0#dispred#221f563e` ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Lhs.0, Lhs.1, Lhs.2, Lhs.3, Rhs.1
{5} | JOIN WITH `Sources::SourceNode.getAPropertyWrite/0#dispred#fbcc7c0e_10#join_rhs` ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Lhs.3, Rhs.1, Lhs.1, Lhs.2, Lhs.4
{3} | JOIN WITH `Sources::Cached::hasLocalSource/2#6a818bc8` ON FIRST 2 OUTPUT Lhs.3, Lhs.2, Lhs.4
{4} | JOIN WITH `BasicBlocks::Internal::bbIndex/3#35c51043_102#join_rhs` ON FIRST 1 OUTPUT Rhs.1, Lhs.2, Lhs.1, Rhs.2
{3} | JOIN WITH `BasicBlocks::Internal::bbIndex/3#35c51043` ON FIRST 2 OUTPUT Lhs.2, Lhs.3, Rhs.2
{3} | REWRITE WITH TEST InOut.2 < InOut.1
{1} | SCAN OUTPUT In.0
{1} r4 = r1 UNION r2 UNION r3
return r4
(eventual cause: IOException "No space left on dev