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Commands Explained.

axle2005 edited this page Jan 24, 2017 · 10 revisions


Run Command

Parameters Options:
-entity (
-tileentity (
-items (
-xp (

Running /clearmob run entity will run the clear using the list in the config. Running /clearmob run entity will clear only this entity.

Tile Entity
Running /clearmob run tileentity will run the clear using the list in the config. Running /clearmob run tileentity will clear only this entity.

Running /clearmob run items will clear all items currently on the ground.

Running /clearmob run xp will clear all xp orbs currently on the ground.

Dump Command (clearmob.dump)

Takes 1 parameter, a choice between tileentity and **entity **. It will dump a list of all loaded entities or tileentities in all loaded worlds, to the console, so that you can use the exact ID it outputs in the config.

Running /clearmob dump entity will dump a list of all present entities to the console.

Tile Entity
Running /clearmob dump tileentity will dump a list of all present tile entities to the console.

Running /clearmob dump nearby will dump a list of all present entities within 10 blocks to the console.

All Running /clearmob dump all will dump a list of all present entities and tile entities to the console.

Info Command (

Running /clearmob info hand will display the Entity ID of the item in your main hand.

TPS Command (clearmob.tps)

Outputs current server tps, along with number of entities loaded and number of chunks.

Reload Command (clearmob.reload)

Reloads the config.