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2024 Docker Workshop

Introduction to Docker

The goal of this bootcamp exercise is to provide an overview of one of the newer components of CI/CD: containers.

What is Docker?

That's a big question

In their own words:

Developing apps today requires so much more than writing code. Multiple languages, frameworks, architectures, and discontinuous interfaces between tools for each lifecycle stage creates enormous complexity. Docker simplifies and accelerates your workflow, while giving developers the freedom to innovate with their choice of tools, application stacks, and deployment environments for each project.


  • Docker is a tool that allows you to package code into a Docker image (a re-usable file used to execute code in a Docker container).
  • Docker images are the blueprint for Docker containers, which are isolated execution environments.

Why use Docker?

  • Docker is a standard package that works across multiple architectures and environment type. i.e. Build a single Docker image that would run the same on Windows vs Mac.
  • Integrate with popular open-source solutions for databases, caching, monitoring, gaming, and more.
  • Since each container is isolated by default, the security from Docker can be unparallelled. For example, consider a web appliction that runs inside of a container. If the application was compriomised by bad actors, they'd only have access to the contents of the container, and not the entire host filesystem.
  • So much more...

Install Docker

Mac Users

Install Brew (if needed):

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Have Brew install Docker

$ brew install --cask docker

Windows Users

Windows is a little trickier...

WSL Setup

Installing Docker requires the Windows Subsystem for Linux and the Ubuntu shell. Open PowerShell and type:

wsl --install -d ubuntu

Then run:

wsl --set-default ubuntu

Open the WSL and create a user account for linux.

Docker Desktop

Download and install Docker from here:

Once the Docker Desktop software is installed. Go into the Settings and click on Resources and then WSL Integration. Make sure that Ubuntu is Enabled.

Make sure it works!

Run Ubuntu in Windows and then type:

sudo su -

Then type:


This should print the Docker help menu.

What does a Docker Image look like?

Let's take a look at the Docker docs for creating a Dockerfile for a python application.

# What is our base image? Since we want to create a python application, we need a base image that has python. Luckily, we can continue making use of open-source images for this as well. There are many types of images that provide python, but for this example i'll choose 
FROM python:3.8-slim-buster

# What directory (inside the container) should we be working from?

# Copy over the project requirements
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt

# Run a command to install the requirements
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# Copy over the rest of the app
COPY . .

# The command for the container. If this command exits, the container exits.
CMD [ "python3", "-m" , "flask", "run", "--host="]

Deploying an Open Source image

Each image is different in terms of how you configure the specifics for the application running inside. What's common though, is how you configure the containers. Most images are configured using environment variables and/or by mounting a local Docker volume with configuration files present.

Let's look at Redis, as it's a very popular and useful key-value store and caching solution.

What is Redis?

On their website, they define themselves as:

The open source, in-memory data store used by millions of developers as a database, cache, streaming engine, and message broker.

They also have a nice chart showing features:

Redis Features

On my team, we make use of a library called RQ-Python that builds a queuing system for Python jobs on top of Redis. We create thousands of jobs each night and have hundreds of worker containers that perform the jobs.

Ok, let's get started.

Pull the Redis image

All we need to do is type docker pull REPOSITORY[:TAG]. What does this syntax mean? Well docker images are stored in repositories, just like code is stored in git repositories. By default, all images are pulled from DockerHub. You are able to create and manage your own image repositories, but we won't go over that. The image repository is required, but the tag isn't and will be defaulted to latest if nothing is given for it.

$ docker pull redis

Using default tag: latest
latest: Pulling from library/redis
Digest: sha256:7e2c6181ad5c425443b56c7c73a9cd6df24a122345847d1ea9bb86a5afc76325
Status: Image is up to date for redis:latest

Inspect the Redis image

To view the image details, we just need to type docker images [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]. This time, the repository is not required, but we are going to use it to limit our results to the image we want. For example:

$ docker images redis

redis        latest    fad0ee7e917a   2 weeks ago   105MB

Create Redis container

# Run the open-source image redis image (last arg), call it 'redis' (--name redis) and run it in detached mode (-d)
$ docker run --name redis -d redis:latest


View Redis in container list

# Check the status of the container
$ docker ps

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE          COMMAND                  CREATED          STATUS          PORTS      NAMES
16ad2cca6925   redis:latest   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   22 seconds ago   Up 21 seconds   6379/tcp   redis

Check Redis Logs

$ docker logs redis

1:C 21 Jun 2024 19:21:53.171 # oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO0OoO0OoO0Oo
1:C 21 Jun 2024 19:21:53.171 # Redis version=6.2.4, bits=64, commit=00000000, modified=0, pid=1, just started
1:C 21 Jun 2024 19:21:53.171 # Warning: no config file specified, using the default config. In order to specify a config file use redis-server /path/to/redis.conf
1:M 21 Jun 2024 19:21:53.172 * monotonic clock: POSIX clock_gettime
1:M 21 Jun 2024 19:21:53.172 * Running mode=standalone, port=6379.
1:M 21 Jun 2024 19:21:53.172 # Server initialized
1:M 21 Jun 2024 19:21:53.173 * Ready to accept connections

Store data in Redis

# Read the following command like:

# docker Execute -i (interactive) -t (use a pseudo-TTY) redis (container name) redis-cli (command to run inside container) SET myname Andrew (arguments for the command ie. redis-cli)

$ docker exec -it redis redis-cli SET myname Andrew


Get data from Redis

$ docker exec -it redis redis-cli GET myname


Stop Redis container

$ docker stop redis


Try to get data again

$ docker exec -it redis redis-cli GET myname

Error response from daemon: Container <id> is not running

Start the stopped Redis container

$ docker start redis


Try to get data again (data is preserved)

When you try to get the data again, this time, we see that the data is still there.

$ docker exec -it redis redis-cli GET myname


Remove Redis container

Finally, remove the container which will destroy the data inside of redis and remove the container from docker ps.

remember to stop the container before attempting to removing!

$ docker rm redis


Recreate and see that the data doesn't exist anymore

$ docker run --rm --name redis -d redis:latest && docker exec -it redis redis-cli GET myname; docker stop redis;


Using Docker Volumes to preserve container data

In modern container orchestration technologies such as Kubernetes or Docker-Swarm, it's extremely common for containers to be removed and replaced with a different container. These two containers will have different ids, but they run the same application. As we just saw, when a container is removed it's data is also removed... so how can we make sure that the Redis data isn't deleted when the container is deleted?

Docker Volumes allow you to map directories and files from the host os into the container os.

Create Redis data volume

# Run the open-source image redis image (last arg), call it 'redis' (--name redis) and run it in detached mode (-d)
$ docker volume create redis_data


Recreate Redis container, using a docker volume

# Run the open-source image redis image (last arg), call it 'redis' (--name redis) and run it in detached mode (-d) with volume 'redis_data'
$ docker run -v redis_data:/data --name redis -d redis:latest 


Enter Redis container, using interactive session

Let's create some data, then exit the container.

$ docker exec -it redis redis-cli> SET myname Andrew
OK> SET moredata potato
OK> exit

Make sure the data exists, then exit the container.

$ docker exec -it redis redis-cli> GET myname
"Andrew"> GET moredata
"potato"> exit

Delete Redis container

$ docker stop redis && docker rm redis


Recreate the Redis container, using the same docker volume

$ docker run -v redis_data:/data --name redis -d redis:latest


Validate data persistence

$ docker exec -it redis redis-cli GET myname


Create custom Docker images

Let's create a container to utilize the code in redis_client_app/ Our image is going to look very similar to the one we viewed earlier. With Dockerfiles, it's extremely important to put the things that change least at the top, as Docker will build and cache the layers it generates from this file. This is so that on subsequent builds, you won't need to wait for the entire command again (unless you explicitly want to run it without cache, which is possible).

# Use the small python image, no need for fancy add-ons
FROM python:3.8-slim-buster

# Use /app as our working directory

# Copy our requirements
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt

# Install our requirements
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt

# Copy the rest of our project
COPY . .

# Run our app
ENTRYPOINT [ "python3", ""]

Using this image, we can build a container that can run our app on almost any machine with that has Docker installed.

Question to think about: Why would we copy over the requirements file first, before copying over the rest of the app?

Build our image

# Build our container and tag (name) it as "bootcamp". The `redis_client_app` tells docker what context to use for building the image. In this case we want to be inside of the folder that has our code.
$ docker build -f redis_client_app/Dockerfile -t bootcamp redis_client_app

Let's run our code without arguments to see what it can do

Run our image

$ docker run bootcamp



    COMMAND is one of the following:




Run our image with a different CMD

Alright now that our container is running, let's just make sure we can connect to Redis with check_redis.

$ docker run bootcamp check_redis

  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/redis/", line 1192, in get_connection
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/redis/", line 563, in connect
    raise ConnectionError(self._error_message(e))
redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error -2 connecting to redis:6379. Name or service not known.

Doh! What's going on? Well remember how everything is isolated, this is actually a good thing. You need to explicitly tell docker that these containers can communicate with eachother. To do this, we need to create a Docker Network.

Connect Docker Containers

docker network create

Create a docker network to act as an network environment for multiple containers.

$ docker network create bootcamp_net --attachable


docker network connect

Okay now that we have a network, let's attach our redis container to it.

$ docker network connect bootcamp_net redis --alias redis


docker inspect redis

Not the greatest output for this command so let's check it manually.

$ docker inspect redis

            "IPv6Gateway": "",
            "MacAddress": "",
            "Networks": {
                "bootcamp_net": {
                    "IPAMConfig": {},
                    "Links": null,
                    "Aliases": [

docker run --net

That's what we're looking for. Okay cool, now we need to run our container with this network as well.

$ docker run --net bootcamp_net bootcamp check_redis


Talking to Redis

Yay! Now we can connect to redis from our other container. Let's check on that data from earlier:

Run a single command

$ docker run -t --net  bootcamp_net bootcamp get_data myname

The data is in redis!

Run a command that creates a shell

We can also store new data using an interactive shell (-i):

$ docker run -it --net  bootcamp_net bootcamp store_data

What should we call this data?
What is the data?
The data has been stored in redis
Validate the stored data

Now let's check for that new data:

$ docker run -t --net  bootcamp_net bootcamp get_data thebestfood

The data is in redis!

Hopefully through this exercise you can see that docker can unlock some amazing development power, while remaining a secure platform to build and run containers from.

Speeding things up with Docker Compose

So far it's kind of been a nightmare of cli commands. There has to be a better way right...?

There is! With docker-compose, we can combine everything we've learned so far into a single file that's easier to manage.

docker-compose files

The docker-compose.yml file has it's own syntax, syntax verions, and a ton of useful tools that we won't have time to go over here.

Here's what a docker-compose.yml file looks like:

# The syntax version of docker-compose to use
version: "3.8"

# Create the network so that our containers can talk to eachother
      name: redis_net
      driver: bridge

# Create the storage volume for redis
        name: redis_storage

# Define our containers

    # Define redis properties
        image: 'redis:latest'
            - redis_storage:/data
            - redis

    # Define python app properties, have it build our image
            context: .
            - redis
        entrypoint: "/bin/sh"
        tty: yes
            test: ["CMD", "python", "", "check_redis"] 
            interval: 3s

docker-compose cli

docker-compose up

The following command will create the network, the volume, both containers (in the background), and the proper links:

$ cd redis_client_app
$ docker-compose up -d --build

Starting redis_app_1   ... done
Starting redis_cache_1 ... done

docker-compose ps

Let's check on it! Run the following command to see the status of everything:

$ docker-compose ps
    Name                   Command                  State        Ports  
redis_app_1     /bin/sh                          Up (healthy)           
redis_cache_1 redis ...   Up             6379/tcp

The Healthy status above indicates that the command we defined as the healthcheck is returning without failing.

docker-compose exec

Now let's run our commands again, this time from inside the container! The following command will attach us to the python container so that we can run the same commands as before. We read this command like so: docker execute <service_name> <command_inside_container>.

$ docker-compose exec app /bin/sh
Side note

Most docker-contains have some type of shell that you can use to run commands with. In this case, the command we want to run will open up a new shell instance /bin/sh and attach us to it so that it acts as our new shell. When we are done, we exit it with exit. You could replace /bin/sh with any valid executable in the $PATH environment variable. For example, listing the files in the WORKDIR directory of a container:

$ docker-compose exec app ls -lrt

total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   48 Jun 21 18:56 requirements.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  361 Jun 21 20:46 Dockerfile
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  797 Jun 21 23:04 docker-compose.yml
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1094 Jun 21 23:06
Living inside a container

Now you are inside the container, feel free to take a look around. When you are ready, run the ENTRYPOINT command:

$ python



    COMMAND is one of the following:





$ python check_redis


Exit the container context by typing:

$ exit

docker-compose down

To bring all the containers down, type:

Exit the container context by typing:

$ docker-compose down

As you can see, docker compose drastically reduces development time while allowing the same features as the CLI.

Incorporating Visual Studio Code

IDEs like PyCharm and Visual Studio Code can make use of docker to provide a fresh development environment for all people on your team.


Mac Users

Install Brew (if needed):

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Have Brew install VSCode

$ brew install --cask visual-studio-code

Windows Users

Install from this link:

Install VSCode dependencies

  1. Run VSCode
  2. Open the Extensions section of VSCode
  3. Install the Docker extension (ms-azuretools.vscode-docker)
  4. Install the Remote-Containers extension (ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers)

Build & Run our development container

$ docker-compose build

 => => exporting layers                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            0.0s
 => => writing image sha256:3cf82f189fc4a35542fc08a1663fe35a4f2e7262db398e041fa3c16839f7af57                                                                                                                                                                                                                       0.0s
 => => naming to

If we put this image name in our .devcontainer/devcontainer.json file, we are able to use this image as a development environment.

Now in VSCode, in the bottom left, we should see a green button that looks like two arrows. Click on this button and find Reopen in Containers... in the dropdown and select it. A new window will pop-up to provide an isolated development environment.

Run our Python code inside the container

  1. Click on the Run and Debug section in VSCode
  2. Click on the Run button and you should see output similar to:
root@a368d1296c1e:/workspaces/2024-Bootcamp-Docker#  cd /workspaces/2024-Bootcamp-Docker ; /usr/bin/env /usr/local/bin/python /root/.vscode-server/extensions/ms-python.python-2022.8.1/pythonFiles/lib/python/debugpy/launcher 46805 -- redis_client_app/ hello_world 
Oh hai
  1. If you want to experiement more, add a breakpoint to the hello_world method and it should stop on that line next time you run.

How does this work? VSCode has a .vscode/launch.json file that you can add run configurations into. This is extremely powerful and dynamic and will allow you to run most workloads right in VSCode.

Final Thoughts

By going through this exercise, you should have a better idea of what Docker is and what kinds of things you can do with it. There is so much more to explore, here are just a few things that i've found fun while working with it:

  • You can run Docker inside Docker (woah).
    • Very useful for CI/CD, since the runner can be containerized but it can also create other containers.
  • Orchestrating container deployments with docker-compose using docker-swarm.
  • Using PyCharm to have your default interpreter be inside of a container

I strongly believe that containers are the future, so this knowledge is going to be foundational before long. Any time you need to try out a new service, tool, platform, etc. check if a docker image exists for it.


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