This repo was made by duplicating this MM2 repo at this time
Monitor was ditched, since there was a need for it and mm2 could no longer be used. But what will we try to accomplish in this app is:
- fetch sensor data - display as morning message in telegram
- fetch cvbankas data - display as morning message in telegram
- fetch random quote - display as morning message in telegram
- motion sensor detects movement - sends alarm to telegram
- have an option to fetch needed info at any time
- vix kasdien tikrinti
Use Raspberry pi imager
For options:
sudo raspi-config
mkdir ~/venvs
cd ~/venvs
python -m venv venv-katinelis
source ~/venvs/venv-katinelis/bin/activate
mkdir ~/GIT
cd ~/GIT
git clone [email protected]:azegas/katinelis.git
cd ~/GIT/katinelis
pip install -r requirements.txt
Put into .bashrc
, so environment is always activated:
vim ~/.bashrc
# add these to the bottom of the file:
source ~/venvs/venv-katinelis/bin/activate
source ~/GIT/katinelis/.env
cd ~/GIT/katinelis
For stock historical data, can use this free api -
But for live data - wont work, premium feature
Go to Telegram app on phone or on windows app and search for the BotFather
Use the command /newbot
to create a new bot and get your BOT_TOKEN.
For CHAT_ID - Open Telegram and search for your bot using its username (the one you created with BotFather). Start a chat with your bot by sending any message (e.g., "Hello").
Then visit bot api link -<YOUR_BOT_TOKEN>/getUpdates
Look for the chat object in the JSON response. Your CHAT_ID
will be listed there, typically as
Use it for things.
To use the bot in the GROUP chat, add the bot to the group chat as a member. Write any message into the chat, navigate to the bot api link like we did above, there you should see the chatid of a group chat (starts with -, must be added to .env with '').
Now you should be able to send messages to the group chat.
Simple app example:
import json
import requests
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
BOT_TOKEN = os.getenv("BOT_TOKEN")
CHAT_ID = os.getenv("CHAT_ID")
BASE_DIR = os.getenv("BASE_DIR")
def main():
def send_message(text):
url = f"{BOT_TOKEN}/sendMessage"
payload = {"chat_id": CHAT_ID, "text": text}, data=payload)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Can also create shortcuts so user does not have to type the commands you want. Go to BotFather, choose /setcommands
and write such commands:
tempe - temperatura + dregme kiuciu chatoj
citke - citata
vix - vix skaiciukas
So now when someone is interacting wiht the bot, it can write /
to see all the commands, and then pick a particular one, for example /labas
TODO make docker images instead? Easier with logging maybe... can see them all in one streap, one docker container stream. OR a few, does not matter.
# crontab -l > cron.txt
# crontab cron.txt
# crontab -e
# crontab -
# dont use $USER - it will not find the user... at least did not bother to find how to make it work. .bashrc?
# Explanation of the cron job syntax:
# * * * * * command
# | | | | |
# | | | | +---- Day of the week (0 - 7) (Sunday = 0 or 7)
# | | | +------ Month (1 - 12)
# | | +-------- Day of the month (1 - 31)
# | +---------- Hour (0 - 23)
# +------------ Minute (0 - 59)
# This service file runs the humidity sensor script as a systemd service
# It ensures the script starts automatically on boot and restarts if it crashes
chmod +x /home/arvypi/GIT/katinelis/fetches/
sudo vi /etc/systemd/system/humidity-sensor.service
sudo cp /home/arvypi/GIT/katinelis/services/humidity-sensor.service /etc/systemd/system/humidity-sensor.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start humidity-sensor.service
sudo systemctl status humidity-sensor.service
sudo systemctl stop humidity-sensor.service
sudo journalctl -u humidity-sensor.service -f
sudo systemctl enable humidity-sensor.service
sudo systemctl stop humidity-sensor.service
sudo systemctl disable humidity-sensor.service
sudo rm /etc/systemd/system/humidity-sensor.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl reset-failed humidity-sensor.service
source ~/venvs/venv-mm2/bin/activate
# web app
pip install flask flask-socketio python-dotenv beautifulsoup4 requests
# humidity sensor
pip install adafruit-circuitpython-dht
# raspberry system info
pip install psutil gpiozero
Connect to pi from windows:
ssh arvypi@raspberrypi.local
# or:
ssh arvypi@
TTransfer files from local directory to raspberry - tranfer.bat
arvypi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep Model
Model : Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2
Pin info -
I have humidity sensor and I want to read the humidity from it and print it to the console.
I want to do this every second. my sensor is DHT22 -
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.2%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.1%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.1%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.2%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.2%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 66.9%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 66.9%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.6%
Temperature: 25.5°C, Humidity: 67.6%
I have such motion sensor -
its pins -
- TODO try to control delay
- TODO try to control sensitivity
- continuous process on the backend to fetch the data (cronjob)
- cronjob fetches every minute or so during 05:00 - 07:00 and 17:00 - 22:00
- when the cron job finished, usually it stores the results in a .json file
- on the frontend, we have a flask app
- flask app in itself has some socketio functions that READ data from the files
- We tell, with the help of javascript, how often to read the data of those files and then update the page with it
- backend, server (provides data, ways to read the data(connections to connect to))
- frontend, client (requests data)
def read_cvbankas_data():
file_path = os.path.join(base_dir, "data/data_cvbankas.json")
if os.path.exists(file_path):
with open(file_path, "r") as file:
data = json.load(file)
return data
return {"error": "Data not found"}
Update cronjob file or create a system service to run the script periodically.