Developed By: Leticia Valadez / Gerard Garza / Daniel Freeman / Sudip Bhattacharyya
Analyze the relationship between property sale price and gross square footage for different categories of residence in different neighborhoods of Queens, New York.
The entire project was developed under the root directory "Project-Rolling-Sales-for-Queens".
The root directory contains 3 sub-directories and 2 files:
- Data (Directory): This directory contains data files
- Analysis (Directory): This directory contains multiple output files and charts obtained in the process of analyzing our input dataset.
- Paper (Directory): This directory contains a file explaining data patterns identified in the input data.
- This is a text file that has all the required details on this project.
It guides users to identify all the file locations with a brief description on these files.
- Codes.R (File): This is an 'R' file that contains the code used in this project.
Below are the brief descriptions on sub-directories:
Data: This directory contains both input and output datasets. It has 2 files:
- rollingsales_queens.csv (Input): This is a .csv file used as raw input in this project. This file has 21 columns (or fields) and 26,320 rows (or records). - CleanData_RollingSales_Queens.csv (Output): This is the final output generated. With 'R' code, all of the missing values and outliers have been removed. This file has 25 columns (or fields) and 9,696 rows (or records).
Analysis: All the statistical analysis and charts/ diagrams are stored in the Analysis directory. It contains 6 files in total:
- RawDataSummary&Structure.txt: This file contains the exploratory anaylysis done on all the fields in raw input file 'rollingsales_queens.csv'. - SummaryforFamilyHomeswithSalesPricebelow100000.txt: This file contains the exploratory anaylysis done on all the fields based on the records which are 1-, 2- or 3-family homes and have a sale price recorded less than $100,000. - Chart1_HistogramforSalePrice.jpg: This chart contains a histogram drawn of sales price based on all records. - Chart2_PlotforGrossSQFTvsSalePrice.jpg: This chart has two plots - a scatter plot of sales price plotted against gross square footage for all records & a scatter plot of log-transformed sales price plotted against log-transformed gross square footage for all records. - Chart3_PlotforGrossSQFTvsSalePrice_forHomes.jpg: It plots log-transformed sales price against log-transformed gross square footage based on all records for 1-, 2- or 3-family homes. - Chart4_SalePricePlot_CleanDataforHomes.jpg: It plots log-transformed sales price against log-transformed gross square footage based on all records for 1-, 2- or 3-family homes without any outliers.
Paper: This directory contains a text file summarizing the analysis and patterns associated with gross square footage and sale price among homes in Queens, NY based on the charts contained in the Analysis directory.
Based on previous charts we decided to consider all records for 1-, 2- or 3-family homes with a sale price of greater than $100,000.