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Linus edited this page Sep 2, 2018 · 5 revisions

This will explain what each number is and how its calculated so you may have a better understanding as to how you would use/find the data.

Table of Contents


  1. Boss Card
  2. Composition Table


  1. Stats
  2. Damage Graph
  3. Boons
  4. Mechanics
  5. Player
  6. Boss


  1. Arc Version
  2. Boss ID
  3. Recorded By

Boss Card

wiki18 wiki19

  1. Name of boss fought
  2. Icon of boss
  3. Green Health: Health that was burned threw by players
  4. Red Health: Remaining health in the case of a failed encounter
  5. Max Health
  6. Result: Successful or fail
  7. Duration of encounter


wiki 20 Your composition as it looks in the squad panel (each row being a sub group). Each panel will represent 1 player with contents in this order:

  1. Icon representing class/elite spec
  2. Weapon sets used ( this is detected from rotation so will not always be correct)
  3. potential role based on stat comparison. 10 means that player has the highest of that stat compared to the rest of the squad with 5 being half of that value, etc. These values are only relative.
  4. Name will be cut of to fit the cell


Composed of several tabs:



  1. Sub: Subgroup
  2. Class/elite spec
  3. Character Name
  4. Account name
  5. Boss DPS: Total Damage to Boss / (Time of boss death - Time boss was first hit), hover for Total Damage to Boss
  6. Power: The power contribution of Boss DPS Total Power Damage to Boss / (Time of boss death - Time boss was first hit), hover for Total Power Damage to Boss
  7. Condi: The condition contribution of Boss DPS Total Condi Damage to Boss / (Time of boss death - Time boss was first hit), hover for Total Condi Damage to Boss Note: BossDPS = Boss Power + Boss Condi
  8. All DPS: Total Damage to All enemys/ (Time of boss death - Time boss was first hit), hover for Total Damage to all enemys
  9. Power: The power contribution of All enemys DPS Total Power Damage to All enemys/ (Time of boss death - Time boss was first hit), hover for Total Power Damage to All enemys
  10. Condi: The condition contribution of All enemys DPS Total Condi Damage to All enemys/ (Time of boss death - Time boss was first hit), hover for Total Condi Damage to All enemys Note: All DPS= All enemys Power + All enemys Condi
  11. Times Downed
  12. Time Died: The time from 0(start of fight) that the player died. Hover for exact time and percent time alive. If 0 player did not die

Damage Stats

wiki 21

  1. Percent Time hits critical: Hits that were crit / Number of total hits hover for both these numbers
  2. Percent Time hits above 90% health(scholar runes bonus): Hits that were scholar/ Number of total hits hover for both these numbers
  3. Percent Time hits while moveing(sea weed salad bonus): Hits while moveing / Number of total hits hover for both these numbers
  4. Percent Time hits while Flanking(While behind): Hits while flanking/ Number of total hits hover for both these numbers
  5. Percent Time hits while weak(Haveing weakness): Hits while weak/ Number of total hits hover for both these numbers
  6. Percent Time hits while blind(miss): Hits while blind/ Number of total hits hover for both these numbers
  7. Time hits used to interrupt: Hits used to interrupt
  8. Times hits where invulned: Number of hits against an invulnerable enemy
  9. Time Wasted: the amount of time in seconds that skills were canceled before properly activating
  10. Time saved: the amount of time in seconds that skills after cast animations where canceled
  11. Times weapon swapped

Defensive Stats

wiki 23

  1. Dmg Taken: Damage taken by all sources
  2. Dmg Barriar: Damage that was mitigate by barriar (barrier application cannot be tracked )
  3. Blocked: Number of hits blocked
  4. Invulned: Number of hits invulnerable to
  5. Evaded: Number of hits that were evaded
  6. Dodges: Number to times dodged/ Mirage cloak applied

Heal Stats

wiki 24

  1. Condi cleanses: Times condi cleansed yourself or another player, hover for amount of time in seconds that the cleansed condis would have lasted
  2. Resurrects: Number of time resurrecting someone, hover for total time spent resurrecting

Damage Graph

wiki 25

  1. Each players Boss dps
  2. Each players total dps: Boss dps + dps to adds
  3. All players Dps: groups dps
  4. Mechanics: specific to each boss will specify when a mechanic happened
  5. Downs/Deads: show when a player downed or died
  6. Boss Health: Updates every 1%. 100% = max dps of highest player to fit graph


wiki26 Comprised of 3 sections each with the same sub sections: Boons: for the typical might, fury, regen, etc Damage Buffs: for buffs that come from a specific profession that effect dps Defensive Buffs: for buffs that come from a specific profession that effect survivability Each has an:

  1. Uptime: Percent time/average stacks that the buff/boon was on the player (hover over player name for average boons on that player at any given time)
  2. Generation (self): Percent time/average stacks that that player generated onto themselves, hover for overstack (the player itself is excluded from all the other three sections)
  3. Generation (Group): Percent time/average stacks that that player generated onto anyone in their subgroup, hover for overstack
  4. Generation (Off- Group): Percent time/average stacks that that player generated onto anyone outside of their subgroup, hover for overstack
  5. Generation (Squad): Percent time/average stacks that that player generated onto anyone in the squad, hover for overstack Note: Overstack is when the amount of boons on a player have capped and any additional applications are wasted. (ex might can only stack to 25)


wiki 27 table of times a player was hit by a skill marked as a mechanic of the fight or gained a buff that was specific to the fight(Do note that some buffs apply multiple times a 'hit' and act as timers counting down) Hover over a header for that mechanics actual name


wiki31 wiki32 Tabs for the player, any of their summons damage distribution, Simple Rotation,Death recap,Damage Taken

Player Tab

  1. Boss DPS Graph
  2. Total DPS Graph
  3. Boons Graph, every.single.boon. should be here. Even things like elementalist attunments,traits, transforms. If it appears above your utility skills it should be graphed here
  4. Also Number of boons at any given time, for classes that benefit based on number of present boons
  5. Skill rotation: Each square represents a skill cast:
  • Pink outline: Casted with Quickness
  • Black outline: Casted without Quickness (default)
  • Blue inside: Casted without cancelling
  • Green inside: Casted and canceled the aftercast (Time saved == good)
  • Red inside: Casted and canceled before it properly activated the skill (Time wasted == bad) Hover over for skill name and time spent casting Zoom in to see skill icon and compare to boons and dps graphs
  1. The damage that the player contributed to its own dps. This can be lower if minions where a significant factor to a players dps
  2. Damage distibution Table for both boss only and all mobs:
  • Skill icon: hover for skill id
  • skill name
  • Percent contribution: That skills total contribution to your total damage
  • Damage: That skills total damage over all uses
  • Min: The minimum amount of damage that that skill inflicted in one damaging hit.
  • Avg: The average damage that that skill inflicted for each hit when casted
  • Max: The maximum amount of damage that that skill inflicted in one damaging hit.
  • The number of times that skill was casted(has an animation time)
  • Hits: the total number of hits that that skill registered
  • Hits per cast: the average number of hits that the skill did per cast (find your average meteor shower hits/find how accurate you where with your skills that required placement)
  • Crit: the percent amount of hits that were critical
  • Flank: the percent amount of hits that were flanking
  • Glances: the percent amount of hits that were glances
  • Wasted: The total time wasted canceling skill animations
  • Saved: the total time saved canceling skill aftercasts

Simple Rotation

wiki33 The skills casted by a player written as lined up icons. If a weapon swap occurs a new line is broken to. Hovering over a skill will reveal:

  1. The skill name
  2. The time that skill was casted in milliseconds
  3. the duration of the skill casting animation in milliseconds
  4. If an auto attack this will replace time casted by number of times casted(to condense AA heavy rotations) This will also include dodges and weapon swaps and resurects

Death recap

This tab will only appear if this player has died during the fight wiki25 This tab will look at the damage taken by the dead player 30k back from where they entered down state. Then graph each packet of damage as a bar. If the bar is green then that player took the damage while still alive. If the bar is red the damage was taken in down state. The end of the graph represents when that player has died. On hover you can see:

  1. The damage of the skill
  2. The source of the skill(usually the boss or an add)
  3. The name of the skill and again for how much it hit you for Note the x axis is time but is NOT to scale

Damage Taken

wiki 35 A damage distribution table of all the skills that effected the player


wiki340 wiki29 A tab that treats the boss like a player except outlying the uptime of condis.

  1. A tab for the boss and each minion he summoned.
  2. A table with the uptime of each condi on the boss
  3. DPS graph of the bosses damage to players (good for finding average Heals per second required)
  4. Condis/Boons Graph to find number of condis on boss at any given time
  5. Rotation, yes this is the bosses rotation. Skills may have incomplete icons or names but if the boss casts them they are there. Good for finding out how much confusion affects boss.
  6. Damage Distribution. Each bosses skills in order of damage .

Arc Version

The date that the version of Arc was updated to

Boss ID

The Instance id of this boss. Useful for identifying the boss vs others

Recorded By

The player that recorded this evtc file and created it.