A Pen created by Bade Ozgule on CodePen.io. Original URL: https://codepen.io/badeozgule/pen/abErMqX.
This package allows you to transform raw code into a browser-ready preview offline. It includes the original code in the src/
directory and a custom build script with processors.
Make sure you have a recent version of Yarn or Node.js and npm installed.
Navigate to the project directory in the terminal and install the necessary packages:
# Using Yarn
yarn install
# Using npm
npm install
To build for distribution:
# Using Yarn
yarn run build
# Using npm
npm run build
All of the final output will be dropped into the /dist/ folder.
Run a local server that will automatically compile your code & refresh when you save a change!
# Using Yarn
yarn run serve
# Using npm
npm run serve
|-- /build/ - Build scripts
| |-- gulpfile.js - The tasks for the main build process
| |-- util.js - Utilities used by the tasks
|-- /src/ - Your code
| |-- index.template.html - The wrapper around your compiled HTML that includes any external stylesheets and scripts
| |-- index.partial.(html|pug|haml|...) - The raw HTML input or preprocessor equivalent
| |-- style.(css|scss|less|...) - The raw CSS input, or preprocessor equivalent
| |-- script.(js|ts|coffee|...) - The raw JavaScript input, or preprocessor equivalent
|-- /dist/ - The compiled output after running `npm run build`
| |-- index.html
| |-- script.js
| |-- style.css