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Evert Pot edited this page Jul 7, 2020 · 2 revisions
interface State<T> {

   * The URI associated with this state
  uri: string;

   * Represents the body of the HTTP response.
   * In the case of a JSON response, this will be deserialized
  data: T

   * The full list of HTTP headers that were sent with the response.
  headers: Headers;

   * All links associated with the resource.
  links: Links;

   * Reference to main client that created this state
  client: Client;

   * Content-headers are a subset of HTTP headers that related directly
   * to the content. The obvious ones are Content-Type.
   * This set of headers will be sent by the server along with a GET
   * response, but will also be sent back to the server in a PUT
   * request.
  contentHeaders(): Headers;

   * Return an action by name.
   * If the format provides a default action, the name may be omitted.
  action<TFormData = any>(name?: string): Action<TFormData>;

   * Returns a serialization of the state that can be used in a HTTP
   * response.
   * For example, a JSON object might simply serialize using
   * JSON.serialize().
  serializeBody(): Buffer|Blob|string;

   * Certain formats can embed other resources, identified by their
   * own URI.
   * When a format has embedded resources, we will use these to warm
   * the cache.
   * This method returns every embedded resource.
  getEmbedded(): State[];

   * Timestamp of when the State was first generated
  timestamp: number;

   * Deep-copies this State object.
  clone(): State<T>;

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