This Docker Compose project is an application which intends to demonstrate ELK capabilities through Paris city accidentology use case
This application is a ES based logging architecture that combines:
- A logtsash-forwarder that consumes the source/accidentology-with-geo-final.csv file
- A logstash instance that processes the message before pushing to a Kafka cluster
- A Kafka cluster (composed of 2 instances) that receives message and buffer them
- A logstash instance that indexes the message in Elasticsearch
- A single Elasticsearch node cluster
- A Kibana 4 instance to visualize the data
This application also showcases Elasticsearch commercial plugin:
- Marvel is installed and let you follow the activity of the ES cluster
- Shield is included and secure the overall ES cluster: you need to refer to the below LDAP section to understand which user should be used in order to interact with the cluster.
- Watcher is installed but no watch are included.
Use Docker Compose in the project root folder to build the application:
docker-compose build
then run:
docker-compose run
The dashboard are saved in the
Import them in the settings tab on the Kibana application.
Authentication is required and provided by the user contained in the LDAP (description below)
The workbook is accessible in the following URL
To get your docker machine IP address, issue the following command line:
docker-machine ip default
Where default is my docker machine name.
Authentication is required and provided by the user contained in the LDAP (description below)
This application is using the users and groups present by default in the LDAP.
The DN template used to designate all groups is:
There are 3 groups : Users, Marvels and Watcher
The DN template used to designate all users is:
Here is the list of users splitted by groups:
- bahaaldine / bazarmi
- morgan / mgoeller
- steve / smayzak
- dimitri / dmarx
- matias / mcascallares
- alan / ahardy
- christoph / cwurm
- david / derickson
- agent / amarvel
- antoine / agirbal
- catherine / cjohnson
- christian / cdahlqvist
- jeremy / jhorton
- peter / pkim
The LDAP admin user has the following credentials:
DN: cn=admin,dc=elastic,dc=co user : admin password: password
The workbook will help you to demo search feature based on the accidentology dataset
bin/plugin --install bahaaldine/elastic-workbook