This repository performs meta-learning across multiple NLP tasks focusing on pragmatics and social meaning (emotion, sarcasm, politeness, abusive language detection). Performance can be evaluated in a k-shot fashion.
Python 3, PyTorch, Transformers, Tokenizers Consult the requirements.txt for a full list of dependency packages. The dependencies can be installed by running:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Emotion classification - SemEval-2018 Task 1: Affect in Tweets (AIA-2018)
- Sarcasm detection - The Shared Task on Sarcasm Detection (ACL 2020)
- Offensive Language Identification (OLID) - SemEval 2019 Task 6: OffensEval
- Sentiment classification - SemEval-2015 Task 10: Sentiment Analysis in Twitter
- Irony Detection (Task A & B) - SemEval-2018 Task 3: Irony detection in English tweets
- Abusive language detection - data-twitter-wh; Waseem and Hovy 2016
- Politeness - Stanford Politeness Corpus. :exclamation: This dataset is based on web-forum interactions and not Twitter data.
To download the datasets go to the data directory and execute the download script:
$ cd data
$ sh
Overview of datasets files:
├── OLIDv1.0
│ ├── README.txt
│ ├── labels-levela.csv
│ ├── labels-levelb.csv
│ ├── labels-levelc.csv
│ ├── olid-annotation.txt
│ ├── olid-training-v1.0.tsv
│ ├── testset-levela.tsv
│ ├── testset-levelb.tsv
│ └── testset-levelc.tsv
├── sem_eval_2015
│ └── tweets_output.txt
├── sem_eval_2018
│ ├── SemEval2018-T3-train-taskA.txt
│ └── SemEval2018-T3-train-taskB.txt
├── semeval18_task1_class
│ ├── dev.txt
│ ├── test.txt
│ └── train.txt
├── stanford_politeness_2013
│ ├── README.txt
│ ├── stack-exchange-politeness-corpus.csv
│ └── wikipedia-politeness-corpus.csv
├── tweet_wassem
│ └── twitter_data_waseem_hovy.csv
└── twitter
└── sarcasm_detection_shared_task_twitter_training.jsonl
All models share the encoder (composed by BERT and a multi-layer perceptron on top). Training is performed on the MLP and the last 2 layers of BERT.
- MultiTaskLearner: adds task-dependent single linear layers on top of the encoder.
- PrototypeLearner: uses the encoder to learn a set of embeddings to classify an example based on class centroids previously calculated.
- ProtoMAMLLearner: extends the PrototypeLearner with an task-independent linear layer.
The pre-trained models can be found in the following google drive folder:
To train a model just execute the corresponding line in a terminal:
Multitask model
$ python --save_path "path_to_checkpoint_dir"
$ python --save_path "path_to_checkpoint_dir"
$ python --save_path "path_to_checkpoint_dir"
There are various parameters that can be passed to the model via a flag (e.g --lr 1e-4). For a detailed overview od all flags please refer to the help function of the argument parser.
$ python -h
The model checkpoints are then savedd to the specified --save_path
. There will be three checkpoints based on the best validation task accuracy, the best training task performance and a checkpoint after the last training iteration.
To perform k-shot testing for a model run the following command:
$ python --model_path "" --model "model_name" --task "testing_task_name" --k 4 \
--episodes "path_to_my_episodes.pkl"
The testing will print the mean test accuracy and the standard deviation over episodes once the evaluation is completed.
If you do not specify saved episodes the testing will just randomly sample episodes from the test task training set.
Please check the other possible arguments in the argparser help to get an overview over the the functionality.
❗ Note: if you change the MLP architecture then you also have to specify --mlp_dims
with the right amount of layers and hidden neurons.
- Ard Snijders
- Christoph Hönes
- Daniel Rodríguez Baleato
- Tamara Czinczoll