This repository has been deprecated in favor of the new official version maintained by Batch. Find the new version here:
The officialformer React Native plugin for the Batch SDK. Made with ❤️ by BAM and Batch.
- Install using
yarn add
- Or
npm i
- Go to
- If you don't have a Podfile yet run
pod init
- Add
pod 'Batch', '~>1.18'
to your Podfile - Run
pod install
If you don't use CocoaPods, you can integrate Batch SDK manually.
- Download the SDK
- Unzip the SDK
- Here instead of following the readme inside the Batch.embeddedframework folder you downloaded follow the below steps.
- Create a Batch folder in
- Copy your Batch framework inside
- Open your project in XCode. Right click your ".xcodeproj" and click "Add Files to {yourProjectName}…". Find the "Batch" folder you created and select it. Before clicking "Add", to the left you'll see an "Options" button. Click it, and make sure "Create Groups" and "Add to targets" for your project are both selected.
react-native version | link the plugin |
>= 0.60.0 |
- auto-linking is supported |
< 0.60.0 |
- From the root folder - Run react-native link |
Mobile landings/in app messages are modals that open in your app after being triggered by a push notification or an event. By default, they appear as soon as they are triggered, meaning that such a message can appear when your app is not yet ready. (JS code not loaded, or your navigation is not yet mounted, or any other logic that you implemented) This can raise problems, for example if one of the buttons in the in app message should redirect somewhere in your app, if the navigation is not yet ready, it won't work. Batch has a "do not disturb" mode that can delay those messages until you indicate that your app is ready. Do not disturb mode has no impact on push notifications, only on mobile landings/in app messages.
If you have a typical React Native app (eg. no brownfield), you should enable do not disturb mode. In the future, we might enable do not disturb mode by default, but currently we don't, in order to have the same default behavior as full native apps.
You can enable do not disturb mode with the following steps:
- On Android, add in your resources:
// android/app/build.gradle
defaultConfig {
resValue "bool", "BATCH_DO_NOT_DISTURB_INITIAL_STATE", "true"
- On iOS, add in your
- Show pending in app message or mobile landing
When your app is ready to be interacted with (for example, after showing the splashscreen or preparing your navigation), disable do not disturb and show the pending in app message or mobile landing:
import { BatchMessaging } from '';
await BatchMessaging.disableDoNotDisturbAndShowPendingMessage();
// android/build.gradle
buildscript {
ext {
batchSdkVersion = '1.17+'
dependencies {
classpath ''
// android/app/build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation platform('') // needed if you don't have @react-native-firebase/app
implementation "" // needed if you don't have @react-native-firebase/messaging
implementation "${rootProject.ext.batchSdkVersion}"
apply plugin: ''
Create or adapt the react-native.config.js
file at the root of your project:
// react-native.config.js
module.exports = {
dependencies: {
'': {
platforms: {
android: {
packageInstance: 'new RNBatchPackage(this.getApplication())',
// android/app/build.gradle
defaultConfig {
resValue "string", "BATCH_API_KEY", "%YOUR_BATCH_API_KEY%"
- Add the google-services.json file to
Add Batch.onNewIntent(this, intent);
in your
// import android.content.Intent;
// import;
public void onNewIntent(Intent intent)
Batch.onNewIntent(this, intent);
- In the project window
- Go to Capabilities
- Toggle Push Notifications
Go to the Batch dashboard, create an iOS app and upload your iOS push certificate.
Then, in Info.plist
, provide:
In AppDelegate.m
, start Batch:
#import "RNBatch.h"
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[RNBatch start];
return YES;
- If you use Firebase or another framework swizzling your AppDelegate, follow the manual integration guide
- Otherwise, add
[BatchUNUserNotificationCenterDelegate registerAsDelegate];
after the[RNBatch start];
call in yourAppDelegate.m
If you want to show foreground notifications, add the relevant configuration: [BatchUNUserNotificationCenterDelegate sharedInstance].showForegroundNotifications = true;
after registering the delegate .
import { BatchPush } from '';
// when you want to show the alert asking for permission
// at each app launch (after opt-in if you're opted out by default)
For better results on Android 5.0 and higher, it is recommended to add a Small Icon and Notification Color. An icon can be generated using Android Studio's asset generator: as it will be tinted and masked by the system, only the alpha channel matters and will define the shape displayed. It should be of 24x24dp size. If your notifications shows up in the system statusbar in a white shape, this is what you need to configure.
This can be configured in the manifest as metadata in the application tag:
<!-- Assuming there is a push_icon.png in your res/drawable-{dpi} folder -->
<manifest ...>
<application ...>
android:resource="@drawable/push_icon" />
<!-- Notification color. ARGB but the alpha value can only be FF -->
android:value="#FF00FF00" />
Add the following metadata in your AndroidManifest.xml
as described in the Android SDK documentation:
<meta-data android:name="batch_opted_out_by_default" android:value="true" />
in your Info.plist
as described in the iOS SDK documentation:
import { Batch } from '';
await Batch.optIn();
As per the SDK documentation :
This will wipe the data locally and request a remote data removal for the matching advertising ID/Custom User ID. Batch will blacklist the advertising and the Custom User ID for one month following the data removal. Batch will also discard the data sent from the Custom Data API for that specific Custom User ID. The Inbox feature will no longer work if you were relying on the Custom User ID.
import { Batch } from '';
await Batch.optOutAndWipeData();
On iOS, Linking.getInitialURL
might return null even when the app was started as a result of a Batch push notification with a deeplink.
This is because the iOS Batch SDK opens the deep-link related to your push notification, after the app has already started.
In order to workaround this, you can use the following:
import { BatchPush } from '';
BatchPush.getInitialURL().then((url: string | null) => {
console.log('received initial url', url);
This is a replacement of Linking.getInitialURL
that you can use on Android or iOS:
first checks if Linking.getInitialURL
returns something, and then if it doesn't on iOS, it calls a custom native function of this module that gets the first deeplink it has ever seen.
Subsequent calls to this native function will return null
to prevent a future JS reload to see an old initial URL.
Because of this, you have to make sure to call this method only once in the app lifetime.
Make sure to also listen for the Linking url
event in case Batch opens your deep-link after you call getInitialURL.
⚠️ You will need a physical device to fully test push notifications