"hdl" contains synthesizable modules, "sim" contains behavioral modules. "tclbits" contains useful Tcl scripts.
Vivado automatically runs an "init.tcl" or "Vivado_init.tcl" script when it launches, but it doesn't have a way to do this on a per-project basis. Similarly it has no way to run a script at project exit, either. But you can create a way. Add the following to the init.tcl/Vivado_init.tcl (whichever you use):
rename open_project open_project_builtin
proc open_project args {
open_project_builtin {*}$args
set projdir [get_property DIRECTORY [current_project]]
set projdirlist [ file split $projdir ]
set projdirname [ lindex $projdirlist end ]
if {[string compare $projdirname "vivado_project"] == 0} {
# git managed project
set basedirlist [ lreplace $projdirlist end end ]
set basedir [ file join {*}$basedirlist ]
set projinit [ file join $basedir "project_init.tcl"]
} else {
set projinit [ file join $projdir "project_init.tcl"]
if {[file exists $projinit] == 1} {
source $projinit
and an equivalent method for close_project, using "project_deinit.tcl".
The location of the init.tcl should follow here: https://support.xilinx.com/s/article/53090?language=en_US
An example Vivado_init.tcl file is in this repository.