Fleet Management system built using Laravel framework
- See Laravel 5.1 Docs
- See Laracast Tutorials
- Based on Laravel 5.1
- Theme engine using yaapis/Theme.
- Includes 3 themes based on almasaeed2010/AdminLTE.
- Custom Error pages:
- 403: Forbidden access.
- 404: Page not found.
- 500: Internal server error.
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Flash notifications using laracasts/flash.
- Internationalization (i18n).
- Gulp and Elixir ready to compile and minimize Sass & CoffeeScript.
- Bootstrap v3.3.4.
- Font-awesome v4.4.0.
- Ionic Framework v2.0.1.
- jQuery 2.1.4.
- Select2 4.0.0
- Select2 Bootstrap Theme v0.1.0-beta.4
- Development tools
- Laravel DebugBar.
- Laravel IDE Helper.
Homestead is a vagrant VM image that runs on VirtualBox. It is recommended development for Windows or Mac.
- See Homestead
Fetch all dependencies using composer by issuing the following command:
composer install
On a production server, prior to running the composer install command, you will want to deploy a copy of the file composer.lock from your development server, to guarantee that the exact version of the various packages that you have developed on and tested gets installed. Never run the composer update command on a production server.
Fetch all dependencies for Node.js using npm by using the following command:
npm install
After having configured your database settings, you will want to build the database.
If you kept the default database settings your will first have to initialize the SQLite file
touch database/database.sqlite
To run the migration scripts run this command
./artisan migrate
To seed the database run the command below, note that in the development environment a few extra user and permissions are created.
./artisan db:seed --env=development
To regenerate composer autoload classmap (needed when adding new seeder or migration)
composer dump-autoload
You should now be able to launch a Web browser and see your new Web application with these logins:
All users are set with password 123456Qz!
To compile CSS & javascripts, run
To run tests