AnalyticsQueryQuest is a personal learning project that follows the book "SQL for Data Analytics" (Amazon link). The purpose of this repository is to document my journey in learning SQL, particularly for data analysis purposes. It contains datasets from the book as well as original queries that I created to reinforce and expand upon the concepts covered.
- Datasets: These are sourced from the book "SQL for Data Analytics."
- Queries: Original SQL queries I have written based on the book’s concepts and exercises. These include extensions of the examples provided and additional custom queries to explore data further.
Feel free to browse the SQL queries to see how various concepts in SQL for data analytics are applied. You can download the datasets and run the queries in your own SQL environment to practice.
The datasets used in this repository are from the book "SQL for Data Analytics." All rights to the datasets go to the authors. However, many queries in this repository are my original work created for learning purposes.
If you're also interested in learning SQL for data analysis, I highly recommend checking out the book: SQL for Data Analytics - Amazon.
outlines your learning project, properly credits the authors of the book for the datasets, and makes it clear that the queries are your own.