microcache is a non-standard HTTP cache implemented as Go middleware.
HTTP Microcaching is a well known strategy for improving the efficiency, availability and response time variability of HTTP web services. These benefits are especially relevant in microservice architectures where a service's synchronous dependencies sometimes become unavailable and it is not always feasible or economical to add a separate caching layer between all services.
To date, very few software packages exist to solve this specific problem. Most microcache deployments make use of existing HTTP caching middleware. This presents a challenge. When an HTTP cache exists for the purpose of microcaching between an origin server and a CDN, the server must choose whether to use standard HTTP caching headers with aggressive short TTLs for the microcache or less aggressive longer TTL headers more suitable to CDNs. The overlap in HTTP header key space prevents these two cache layers from coexisting without some additional customization.
All request specific custom response headers supported by this cache are prefixed with
and scrubbed from the response. Most of the common HTTP caching
headers one would expect to see in an http cache are ignored (except Vary). This
was intentional and support may change depending on developer feedback. The purpose of
this cache is not to act as a substitute for a robust HTTP caching layer but rather
to serve as an additional caching layer with separate controls for shorter lived,
more aggressive caching measures.
The manner in which this cache operates (writing response bodies to byte buffers) may not be suitable for all applications. Caching should certainly be disabled for any resources serving very large and/or streaming responses. For instance, caching is automatically disabled for all websocket requests.
More info in the docs: https://godoc.org/github.com/httpimp/microcache
package main
import (
type handler struct {
// This example fills up to 1.2GB of memory, so at least 2.0GB of RAM is recommended
func (h handler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Enable cache
w.Header().Set("microcache-cache", "1")
randn := rand.Intn(10) + 1
// Sleep between 10 and 100 ms
time.Sleep(time.Duration(randn*10) * time.Millisecond)
// Return a response body of random size between 10 and 100 kilobytes
// Requests per sec for cache hits is mostly dependent on response size
// This cache can saturate a gigabit network connection with cache hits
// containing response bodies as small as 10kb on a dual core 3.3 Ghz i7 VM
http.Error(w, strings.Repeat("1234567890", randn*1e3), 200)
func logStats(stats microcache.Stats) {
total := stats.Hits + stats.Misses + stats.Stales
log.Printf("Size: %d, Total: %d, Hits: %d, Misses: %d, Stales: %d, Backend: %d, Errors: %d\n",
func main() {
// - Nocache: true
// Cache is disabled for all requests by default
// Cache can be enabled per request hash with response header
// microcache-cache: 1
// - Timeout: 3 * time.Second
// Requests will be timed out and treated as 503 if they do not return within 35s
// - TTL: 30 * time.Second
// Responses which enable cache explicitly will be cached for 30s by default
// Response cache time can be configured per endpoint with response header
// microcache-ttl: 30
// - StaleIfError: 3600 * time.Second
// If the request encounters an error (or times out), a stale response will be returned
// provided that the stale cached response expired less than an hour ago.
// Can be altered per request with response header
// More Info: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5861
// microcache-stale-if-error: 86400
// - StaleRecache: true
// Upon serving a stale response following an error, that stale response will be
// re-cached for the default ttl (3s)
// Can be disabled per request with response header
// microcache-no-stale-recache: 1
// - StaleWhileRevalidate: 30 * time.Second
// If the cache encounters a request for a cached object that has expired in the
// last 30s, the cache will reply immediately with a stale response and fetch
// the resource in a background process.
// More Info: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5861
// microcache-stale-while-revalidate: 20
// - HashQuery: true
// All query parameters are included in the request hash
// - QueryIgnore: []string{}
// A list of query parameters to ignore when hashing the request
// Add oauth parameters or other unwanted cache busters to this list
// - Exposed: true
// Header will be appended to response indicating HIT / MISS / STALE
// microcache: ( HIT | MISS | STALE )
// - SuppressAgeHeader: false
// Age is a standard HTTP header indicating the age of the cached object in seconds
// The Age header is added by default to all HIT and MISS responses
// This parameter prevents the Age header from being set
// Age: ( seconds )
// - Monitor: microcache.MonitorFunc(5 * time.Second, logStats)
// LogStats will be called every 5s to log stats about the cache
cache := microcache.New(microcache.Config{
Nocache: true,
Timeout: 3 * time.Second,
TTL: 30 * time.Second,
StaleIfError: 3600 * time.Second,
StaleRecache: true,
StaleWhileRevalidate: 30 * time.Second,
CollapsedForwarding: true,
HashQuery: true,
QueryIgnore: []string{},
Exposed: true,
SuppressAgeHeader: false,
Monitor: microcache.MonitorFunc(5*time.Second, logStats),
Driver: microcache.NewDriverLRU(1e4),
Compressor: microcache.CompressorSnappy{},
h := cache.Middleware(handler{})
http.ListenAndServe(":80", h)
May improve service efficiency by reducing origin read traffic
- ttl - response caching with global or request specific ttl
- collapsed-forwarding - deduplicate requests for cacheable resources
May improve client facing response time variability
- stale-while-revalidate - serve stale content while fetching cacheable resources in the background
May improve service availability
- request-timeout - kill long running requests
- stale-if-error - serve stale responses on error (or request timeout)
- stale-recache - recache stale responses following stale-if-error
Supports content negotiation with global and request specific cache splintering
- vary - splinter requests by request header value
- vary-query - splinter requests by URL query parameter value
Tests have been written to confirm the correct behavior of this cache.
At least one large scale deploy of this library is currently underway in an API serving 20,000 requests per minute at peak. Results pending.
A Snappy driver has been added for projects who want to trade CPU for memory over gzip
Snappy provides:
- 14x faster compression over gzip
- 8x faster expansion over gzip
- but the result is 1.5 - 2x the size compared to gzip (for specific json examples)
Your mileage may vary. See tools/compare_compression.go
to test your specific workloads
> go run tools/compare_compression.go -f large.json
Original: 616,611 bytes of json
zlib compress 719.853807ms 61,040 bytes (10.1x)
gzip compress 720.731066ms 61,052 bytes (10.1x)
snappy compress 48.836002ms 106,613 bytes (5.8x)
zlib expand 211.538416ms
gzip expand 220.011961ms
snappy expand 26.973263ms
> go run tools/compare_compression.go -f medium.json
Original: 279,368 bytes of json
zlib compress 282.549098ms 19,825 bytes (14.1x)
gzip compress 275.961026ms 19,837 bytes (14.1x)
snappy compress 16.452706ms 37,096 bytes (7.5x)
zlib expand 86.704103ms
gzip expand 81.188856ms
snappy expand 10.557594ms
> go run tools/compare_compression.go -f small.json
Original: 53,129 bytes of json
zlib compress 73.204418ms 5,084 bytes (10.5x)
gzip compress 74.150401ms 5,096 bytes (10.4x)
snappy compress 5.225558ms 8,412 bytes (6.3x)
zlib expand 18.764693ms
gzip expand 18.797717ms
snappy expand 2.354814ms
All benchmarks are lies. Dual core 3.3Ghz i7 DDR4 Centos 7 VM w/ 10KB response (see example above)
> gobench -u http://localhost/ -c 10 -t 10
Dispatching 10 clients
Waiting for results...
Requests: 110705 hits
Successful requests: 110705 hits
Network failed: 0 hits
Bad requests failed (!2xx): 0 hits
Successful requests rate: 11070 hits/sec
Read throughput: 1109430818 bytes/sec
Write throughput: 896791 bytes/sec
Test time: 10 sec
Vary query by parameter presence as well as value
Modify Monitor.Error to accept request, response and error
Add Monitor.Timeout accepting request, response and error
Separate middleware:
Sanitize lang header? (first language)
Sanitize region? (country code)
etag support?
if-modified-since support?
Custom rule handling?
Passthrough: func(r) bool