We provide an Apptainer definition file cmpe-env-cuda.def
, that installs all necessary dependencies in an Apptainer container.
If no GPU support is required, the cmpe-env.def
creates a container without CUDA support.
The container can be built using the following command:
$ sudo apptainer build cmpe-env.sif cmpe-env[-cuda].def
After the container is build, the contained Python can be used in the following way:
apptainer exec --bind /path/to/cmp path/to/cmpe-env.sif python <filename>
Depending on your file system structure, the --bind
option might not be necessary.
A JupyterLab server in the environment can be started with:
apptainer exec --bind /path/to/cmp path/to/cmpe-env.sif jupyter lab --no-browser
The low-dimensional experiments are located in experiments/benchmarks
. Note that for producing a reference posterior for GMM, a working Stan installation (accessible via cmdstanpy
) is required.
The Bayesian Denoising experiment is located in experiments/bayesian_denoising
. See the corresponding README for details on how to run the experiment.
The tumor model experiment is located in experiments/tumor_model
. The experiment builds on the PyABC implementation (Link), which contains details about the simulator and data.