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=== Simple Brightcove Player Embed ===
Contributors: mister-ben
Tags: brightcove, video, embed, player
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 4.1.2
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Allows a Brightcove Video Cloud player to be easily embedded into a post by its player URL.

== Description ==

This allows you to embed a Brightcove Video Cloud smart player easily by using its player URL in a shortcode. It does not need a Video Cloud Media API key, so works with any Brightcove account edition.

Note this is *not* a CMS integration that allows you to upload, manage and browse content in your Video Cloud account from within Wordpress.

= How to use =

First get a link to the video and player you want to use from the [Video Cloud media module](

* Select a video
* In the **Quick video publish** box on the right, select a player
* Under **Copy publishing code**, select **URL**
* Copy the URL 

In the post editor, add the the URL surrounded by `[bc]` and `[/bc]`, for example:


It doesn't have to be a URL. You can also use a URL or the URL of any page that has a Video Cloud player in its HTML, e.g.

The player publishing code found at the URL is used as-is. You can override the player width and/or height like this:

    [bc width="240" height="135"][/bc]

Or override autostart like this:

    [bc autoStart="false"][/bc]

== Installation ==

1. Either use the automatic installation within wordpress, or upload `brightcove-wordpress-simple.php` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Does this work with HTTPS? =

Yes, HTTP or HTTPS versions of Brightcove's publishing code are used appropriately and automatically. 

= What can I use as a player URL? =

Either the player URL from the studio, or any other URL that has a Video Cloud player publishing page in its HTML.

= I used a URL with a player, but it doesn't work =

If the HTML at the URL does not have a standard Video Cloud player publishing code in its HTML, this won't work. That might be because the player at that URL uses a Flash-only embed, an iframe, or is created dynamically at runtime.

= Can I browse my videos in Wordpress's editor? =

No. This is intented as a quick and easy way to embed a player by it's URL rather than as a full integration that would allow management of Video Cloud content from within Wordpress. There are other plugins in the directory that attempt to do that.

== Screenshots ==

1. Player in post
2. Post editor

== Changelog ==

= 0.8 =
Using DOMDocument::saveXML instead of DOMDocument::saveHTML for PHP < 3.6 compatibility

= 0.7 =
Fixed deprecation notice

= 0.6 =
Tweaked IE8 fix and some additional fixes to video ID detection

= 0.5 =
Fix for IE8

= 0.4 =
First release

== Upgrade Notice ==
Fix for Internet Explorer 8


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