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Tiago Graf edited this page Apr 28, 2021
17 revisions
SonarCloud is being used as the static code analysis for code quality and security standards.
Performing Static Analysis Locally
Install sonarscanner:
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner --version 5.2.0
Create an account on sonarcloud.io
Create your own organization and project, make notes of the keys you created
Create an access token (My Account > Security > Generate Tokens), make note of it
Begin analysis
dotnet sonarscanner begin /s:<configuration_file>/healthgateway/Apps/sonar-config.xml /k:<project_key> /o:<organization_key> /d:sonar.login=<token>
- configuration_file: you must provide the full path to the configuration file healthgateway/Apps/sonar-config.xml, relative paths do not work.
- project_key: The project key you created.
- organization_key: The organization key you created.
- token: The access token you generated.
Run Tests and Generate Coverage Reports
- Choose the scope:
- For analyzing the entire solution run the following on healthgateway/Apps folder.
- For analyzing a specific project run the following on the main project folder (e.g. healthgateway/Apps/WebClient).
dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover --logger:"xunit;LogFileName=results.xml"
npm --prefix WebClient/src/ClientApp install
npm --prefix WebClient/src/ClientApp test
- You might not need to run the npm tests if analyzing a specific project, if running on WebClient change prefix path accordingly.
dotnet build
dotnet sonarscanner end /d:login=<token>
You can check out the statistics at https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=<project_key>
Developer Standard and Processes
Workstation Setup
IDE Configuration
Application Config
RedHat SSO Authorization Server
Known Issues