You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 22
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-sonarscanner --version 5.2.0
one can more versions from: SonarScanner for .NET for later versions a fresh .NET SDK 7 install requires 5.11
Create an account on SonarCloud.
SonarCloud provides documentation on how to run a manual analysis, this can be found on the project's information page:
follow the prompts on screen to find your solution. Alternatively you can make use of the direct link below with your project_key
Note: if you chose to set the SONAR_TOKEN environment variable you will not need to include the
parameters below.
- Run the following commands on healthgateway/Apps folder:
For analyzing a specific project run the following on the main project folder (e.g. healthgateway/Apps/WebClient).
dotnet sonarscanner begin /s:<configuration_file>/healthgateway/Apps/sonar-config.xml /k:<project_key> /o:<organization_key> /d:sonar.login=<token> /d:sonar.host.url="https://sonarcloud.io"
configuration_file: you must provide the absolute path to the configuration file healthgateway/Apps/sonar-config.xml, relative paths do not work.
project_key: The project key you created.
organization_key: The organization key you created.
token: The access token you generated.
dotnet test /p:CollectCoverage=true /p:CoverletOutputFormat=opencover --logger:"xunit;LogFileName=results.xml"
At the time of writting there is currently no NPM tests run for the HealthGateway however if you wish to run it, you must run the tests from the path where sonarscanner was started, in this instance this will be the $HEALTHGATEWAYHOME/Apps
npm --prefix WebClient/src/ClientApp install
npm --prefix WebClient/src/ClientApp test
You might not need to run the npm tests if analyzing a specific project
In line with the previous message about paths, if you are running
on WebClient change prefix path accordingly.
dotnet build
dotnet sonarscanner end /d:sonar.login=<token>
You can check out the statistics at https://sonarcloud.io/dashboard?id=<project_key>
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