This is a React.js app that allows users to search for New York Times articles. After performing a search, the user will see article results including the name of the article, the date and time of publishing, and a button linking to the article source. Finally, users are able to add and remove articles from a saved articles section. The app uses Node/Express for the server and routing, MongoDB/Mongoose for the database and models, Handlebars for the layout and views, & Cheerio/Request for scraping the data from
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development. I will assume that you already have Node.js and MongoDB installed locally. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
- Install dependencies
- In your CLI, enter mongod
- In a new CLI window, go to root of directory and enter node server.js
- In a third CLI window, go to root and enter yarn start. This will start the webpack dev server.
Your browser should automatically open a new tab containing the app.
You will need to yarn install the following node modules:
- express
- mongoose
- body-parser
- bluebird
- axios
- react
- react-dom
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
Since I have included two package.json files, you do not need to install dependencies by name. Simply run the following in the root of your directory as well as in the Client folder:
yarn install
Follow these instructions to deploy your app live on Heroku
Create a heroku app in your project directory
heroku create <projectName>
Provision mLab MongoDB add-on for your project
heroku addons:create mongolab
Deploy the app
yarn deploy
Now your project should be successfully deployed on heroku.
Article search and results
- Polish styling of search results/saved articles
- Add ability to comment on articles