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Burger Time

Burger Time is a proof-of-concept CRUD project for learning the basics of MySQL with Sequelize. Users can create burgers by entering the name of a burger into the text field. This creates a burger entry in the MySQL database. Then, users can fill in the customer name next to their newly created burger and "eat" their burger. This creates a customer entry in the MySQL database that is joined to the specific burger. This app uses Node/Express for the server and routing, MySQL/Sequelize for the database and models, & Handlebars for the layout and views.

Live Demo

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development. I will assume that you already have Node.js and MySQL installed locally. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.

  1. Install dependencies
  2. Sequelize setup
  3. In your CLI, go to the root of your project directory and enter node server.js
  4. In your browser, navigate to http://localhost:8080


You will need to npm install the following node modules:

  1. express
  2. express-handlebars
  3. method-override
  4. body-parser
  5. mysql2
  6. sequelize

Since we have included a package.json file, you do not need to install dependencies by name. Simply run the following in the root of your directory:

npm install

Sequelize setup

Initialize your sequelize app by entering the following command in your CLI:

sequelize init:config init:models

This will generate a config folder including a config.json file. Ensure that the contents of the "development" object match the details of your local mysql database.


Follow these instructions to deploy your app live on Heroku

  • Create a heroku app in your project directory
heroku create <projectName>
  • Provision JawsDB MySQL add-on for your project
heroku addons:create jawsdb
  • Go back to your config.json file and replace the contents of the "production" object with the details of your JawsDB database.
  • Create a new connection to MySQL using your JawsDB connection info. Manually create the tables that you will need to store data.

Now your project should be successfully deployed on heroku with a functioning database.


After burgers are created, they can be eaten by a specific person
