RISC-V NEORV32 implementation for DE0-Nano, with SW examples (Fill in the build steps)
Among other things this repo documents the steps to build and run the NEORV32 implementation on a DE0-nano.
The development environment for this work is:
- Ubuntu 22.04
- Quartus versions 13.1, 15.1 and 18.1 running in an Ubuntu 16.04 Docker image
- Quartus versions 20.1, 21.1 and 22.1std running native
- RISC-V GCC toolchain
- build with Newlib
- ./configure --prefix=/opt/riscv --with-arch=rv32gc --with-abi=ilp32d --enable-multilib
- make
The first step is to compile and load the VHDL into the FPGA in the DE0-nano, this process uses the Quartus tool. The examples in neorv32-examples were developed with 15. Quartus 20 seems to be the last version with the SDRAM IP and good DE0-nano support but I was unable to flash the bits to the DE0-nano, as it did not seem to be worth the effort to know why I've been using 15.1.
In addition to the github repo for neorv32-examples there is a webpage that goes into more detail. There is also github repo of interest and the original NEORV32 repo
neorv32-examples/doc/fpgajtag.pdf contains a schematic for an adapter to connect a standard 20pin JTAG connector along with serial port and an SPI Flash memory.
Note: Pin 1 is top right with USB at the bottom
Signal | FPGA | Header | Pin |
nTRST | F13 | GPIO_10 | JP2_2 |
TCK | T9 | GPIO_1_IN0 | JP2_1 |
TDI | T15 | GPIO_11 | JP2_4 |
TDO | T13 | GPIO_13 | JP2_6 |
TMS | T14 | GPIO_12 | JP2_5 |
RESET | R13 | GPIO_14 | JP2_7 |
GND | GND | JP2_12 | |
VCC3.3 | VCC3.3 | JP2_11 | |
GND | GND | JP2_30 | |
TXD | N14 | GPIO_127 | JP2_34 |
RXD | L14 | GPIO_126 | JP2_33 |
- <Quartus 15,1>
- File -> Open Project... -> …/NEORV32-DE0-nano/neorv32-examples/de0-nano/de0n-neorv32-sdram-qsys/hw/de0n-neorv32-sdram-qsys.qpf -> Open
- Under Project Navigator select Files right click on _src.top.vhd_Set as Top-Level Entry
- Processing -> Start Compilation
- Connect USB Serial adapter to UART pins and connect Terminal Program (gtkterm ?)
- Tools -> Programmer
Notes for persistance:
- Programming file type: JTAG Indirect Configuration File (jic)
- Configuration device: EPCS64
- Under Input files to convert Flash Loader -> Add Device -> Cyclone IV E -> EP4CE22 -> OK
- SOF Data -> Add File double click output_files -> de0n-neorv32-sdram-qsys.sof -> OK
- Generate
- Tools -> Programmer
- delete any files or devices
- Add File -> output_file.jic
- select Program/Configure for output_file.jic
- Start
- Disconnect DE0 and reconnect
- install RISC-V GCC toolchain
- Add pathname to PATH e.g.
export PATH=$PATH=/opt/riscv/bin/
- In the directory sw are a number of software examples that build with the RISC-V GCC toolchain.
- The webpage details installing Seggar Embedded Studio and configuring a project to build the SDRAM memory test.
- Unfortunately J-Link hardware is outrageously expensive and I can't justify the expense and I'm not sure if I trust any of the EBay or Alibaba clones. I do have a BlackPill on order to run Blackmagic and a Jeffprobe (filrc github repo does not currently build) there is a remote possibility that blackmagic can be made to work with Embedded Studio.
- After opening the project File -> Open Studio Folder -> Project Folder neorv32-examples/de0-nano/de0n-neorv32-sdram-qsys/sw/prj_
- The previous step should be verified I'm not sure it completely correct.
- Add the include directories ../../../../neorv32/sw/lib/include ../inc.