Nord-themed, super-clean Neovim configuration. Intended to keep keybindings as 'standard' as possible to keep everything aligned with the VS Code and IntelliJ Vim plugins, but be usable for productive scripting.
New and noteworthy:
- Don't use tabline. I find listing open buffers as fake 'tabs' to be
confusing, so I don't bother with it. I just use
to rapidly switch between buffers. - Use a hand-written statusline. It's easy to do, so I built one tailored exactly to my own needs.
- Use the new Neovim winbar. I put the filename and a file-specific LSP diagnostic indicator on the top-right, so I can see the health of the current file (as opposed to workspace) in the top-right corner of each window.
- Expose LSP CodeLenses with signs and virtual text. Note that this relies on overriding Lua functions in the Neovim LSP implementation and hence may be brittle; but it works for me at this time.
- Advanced, IDE-like LSP-powered code folding support (off by default). Uses nvim-ufo, but be warned, it requires a Neovim C source hack to work correctly:
diff --git a/src/nvim/screen.c b/src/nvim/screen.c
index 2ee7cd44f..8982bd2ee 100644
--- a/src/nvim/screen.c
+++ b/src/nvim/screen.c
@@ -1931,12 +1931,8 @@ static size_t fill_foldcolumn(char_u *p, win_T *wp, foldinfo_T foldinfo, linenr_
if (foldinfo.fi_lnum == lnum
&& first_level + i >= foldinfo.fi_low_level) {
symbol = wp->w_p_fcs_chars.foldopen;
- } else if (first_level == 1) {
- symbol = wp->w_p_fcs_chars.foldsep;
- } else if (first_level + i <= 9) {
- symbol = '0' + first_level + i;
} else {
- symbol = '>';
+ symbol = wp->w_p_fcs_chars.foldsep;
len = utf_char2bytes(symbol, (char *)&p[char_counter]);
- Port remaining Vim-isms to Lua
- Find a way to change signs in the sign column by buffer rather than globally as now. My Git change indicators change depending on whether or not folding is enabled, but this limitation makes them look wrong when some windows have folding enabled, but others don't. Ideally, Neovim would support pluggable strategies for sign placement, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
- Break dependency on the Vim Nord theme, port the theme configuration to the excellent lush.nvim, and make colorschemes and background color switchable and sticky.