PDF resume hosted online with heroku. https://benyakoub-cv.firebaseapp.com/
JavaScript : https://www.javascript.com/.
Node.js : https://nodejs.org.
Express.js : https://expressjs.com.
Git : https://git-scm.com.
Firebase-CLi : https://www.npmjs.com/package/firebase-tools.
For hosting your White-Paper or PDF (CV or Resume).
1 -> go to : ".\Online-PDF-CV\public" folder.
2 -> rename your PDF name with "resume".
3 -> replace the existing "resume.pdf" with your own.
4 -> commit your changes to your git repository: 'git remote get-url origin' && "git push origin master/main".
5 -> save changes and deploy to your FireBase app. (Create app first -- use firebase/CLI).
- save change in you iDE or text editor
- git add . (ajouter tous les changement pour qu'ils soit deployer)
- git push origin/master
you can use the Fire-Base hosting for small app FREE (as trailer).
Apache 2