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Ansible role for basic setup of a server with a RedHat-based Linux distribution (CentOS, Fedora, RHEL, ...)


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Ansible role rh-base

Ansible role for basic setup of a server with a RedHat-based Linux distribution (CentOS, Fedora, RHEL, ...). Specifically, the responsibilities of this role are to:

  • Manage repositories,
  • Manage package installation and removal,
  • Turn specified services on or off,
  • Create users and groups,
  • Set up an administrator account with an SSH key,
  • Apply basic security settings, like turning on SELinux and the firewall,
  • Manage firewall rules (in the public zone).
  • Install and configure yum-cron for automatic updates


No specific requirements

Role Variables

Variable Default Comment
rhbase_automatic_updates false When set, automatic updates will be configured (yum-cron or dnf-automatic, as appropriate). See rhbase_updates_*
rhbase_dynamic_motd false When set, provides a dynamic message of the day at login with system information
rhbase_enable_repos [] List of dicts specifying repositories to be enabled. See below for details.
rhbase_firewall_allow_ports [] List of ports to be allowed to pass through the firewall, e.g. 80/tcp, 53/udp, etc.
rhbase_firewall_allow_services [] List of services to be allowed to pass through the firewall, e.g. http, dns, etc.(1)
rhbase_firewall_interfaces [] List of network interfaces to be added to the public zone of the firewall ruleset.
rhbase_hosts_entry true When set, an entry is added to /etc/hosts with the machine's host name. This speeds up gathering facts.
rhbase_install_packages [] List of packages that should be installed. URLs are also allowed.
rhbase_override_firewalld_zones false When set, allows NetworkManager to override firewall zones set by the administrator(2).
rhbase_remove_packages [] List of packages that should not be installed
rhbase_repo_exclude_from_update [] List of packages to be excluded from an update. Wildcards allowed, e.g. kernel*.
rhbase_repo_exclude [] List of repositories that should be disabled in yum/dnf.conf
rhbase_repo_gpgcheck false When set, GPG checks will be performed when installing packages.
rhbase_repo_installonly_limit 3 The maximum number of versions of a package (e.g. kernel) that can be installed simultaneously. Should be at least 2.
rhbase_repo_remove_dependencies true When set, dependencies that become unused after removing a package will be removed as well.
rhbase_repositories [] List of RPM packages (including URLs) that install external repositories (e.g. epel-release).
rhbase_selinux_booleans [] List of SELinux booleans to be set to on, e.g. httpd_can_network_connect
rhbase_selinux_state enforcing The default SELinux state for the system. Just leave this as is.
rhbase_ssh_allow_groups [] List of groups allowed to ssh. When enabled, only users in these groups are allowed ssh access. (3)
rhbase_ssh_hostbasedauthentication 'no' Wheter to allow host based authentication.
rhbase_ssh_ignorerhosts 'yes' Specifies that .rhosts and .shosts files will not be used in RhostsRSAAuthentication or HostbasedAuthentication.
rhbase_ssh_permitemptypasswords 'no' Wheter to allow empty passwords to logon.
rhbase_ssh_protocol_version 2 Sets the SSH protocol version.
rhbase_start_services [] List of services that should be running and enabled.
rhbase_stop_services [] List of services that should not be running
rhbase_tz :/etc/localtime Sets the $TZ environment variable (4)
rhbase_update false When set, a package update will be performed after installation.
rhbase_updates_apply true When set, automatic updates will actually install updates.
rhbase_updates_debuglevel 0 Integer denoting the level of verbosity of debug messages.
rhbase_updates_download true When set, automatic updates will download
rhbase_updates_email_from root From: Email address used for messages regarding automatic updates
rhbase_updates_email_host localhost Host name used for email messages regarding automatic updates
rhbase_updates_email_to root To: Email address used for messages regarding automatic updates
rhbase_updates_emit_via stdio Emitter to report results of automatic updates through (either stdio, email, motd, or a comma separated list)
rhbase_updates_message true Whether a message should be emitted when updates are available, were downloaded, or applied (yum-cron)
rhbase_updates_random_sleep 360 Maximum random delay in seconds betfore downloading.
rhbase_updates_type default Type of updates (default, security; yum-cron has more options, e.g. minimal)
rhbase_user_groups [] List of user groups that should be present.
rhbase_users [] List of dicts specifying users that should be present. See below for an example.
rhbase_yum_cron_hourly_download_updates true Whether to download updates when available using the hourly yum-cron.
rhbase_yum_cron_hourly_install_updates false Whether to install updates when available using the hourly yum-cron.
rhbase_yum_cron_hourly_sleep_time 15 Maximum of amount of random sleep for the hourly yum-cron in minutes.
rhbase_yum_cron_hourly_update_level minimal What kind of update to use on the hourly cron (default, security, security-severity:Critical, minimal, ...).
rhbase_yum_cron_hourly_update_messages true Whether to display or send messages when the hourly yum-cron has executed a task.


(1) A complete list of valid values for rhbase_firewall_allow_services can be enumerated with the command firewall-cmd --get-services.

(2) This is a workaround for CentOS bug #7407. NetworkManager by default manages firewall zones, which overrides rules you add with --permanent.

(3) If you use this role with Vagrant and set the variable rhbase_ssh_allow_groups, you need to define the vagrant group in the list of rhbase_ssh_allow_groups.

(4) Setting $TZ variable may reduce the number of system calls. See

Enabling repositories

Enable (installed, but disabled) repositories by specifying rhbase_enable_repos as a list of dicts with keys name: (required) and section: (optional), e.g.:

  - name: CentOS-fasttrack
    section: fasttrack
  - name: epel-testing

When the section is not specified, it defaults to the repository name.

Adding users

Users are specified by dicts like this:

  - name: johndoe
    comment: 'John Doe'
      - users
      - devs
    password: '$6$WIFkXf07Kn3kALDp$fHbqRKztuufS895easdT [...]'
    ssh_key: 'ssh-rsa AAAACk44DcUFHNSk+x3SeOv7ztfWOP2sL [...]'
  - name: janedoe

The only mandatory key is name.

Key Required Default Comments
name yes - The user name
comment no '' Comment string
shell no '/bin/bash' The user's command shell
groups no [] Groups this user should be added to(1)
password no '!!' The user's password hash(2)
ssh_key no - A public SSH key


(1) If you want to make a user an administrator, make sure they are member of the group wheel (See RedHat System Administrator's Guide.

(2) The password should be specified as a hash, as returned by crypt(3), in the form $algo$salt$hash. For tests and proof-of-concept VMs, you can take a look at for generating hashes in the correct form. Typical hash types for Linux are MD5 (crypt-md5, hashes starting with $1$) and SHA-512 (crypt-sha-512, hashes starting with $6$).


No dependencies.

Example Playbook

See the test playbook


Tests for this role are provided in the form of a Vagrant environment that is kept in a separate branch, tests. I use git-worktree(1) to include the test code into the working directory. Instructions for running the tests:

  1. Fetch the tests branch: git fetch origin tests
  2. Create a Git worktree for the test code: git worktree add tests tests (remark: this requires at least Git v2.5.0). This will create a directory tests/.
  3. cd tests/
  4. vagrant up will then create VMs of the supported platforms and apply a test playbook (test.yml).


Issues, feature requests, ideas are appreciated and can be posted in the Issues section.

Pull requests are also very welcome. The best way to submit a PR is by first creating a fork of this Github project, then creating a topic branch for the suggested change and pushing that branch to your own fork. Github can then easily create a PR based on that branch. Don't forget to add your name to the contributor list below!





Ansible role for basic setup of a server with a RedHat-based Linux distribution (CentOS, Fedora, RHEL, ...)







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