This project demonstrates the capabilities of the Badass JLink Plugin by creating a custom runtime image of the Spring PetClinic.
You can use it as a template to create a custom runtime image for your own modular spring-boot application. However, this is not an easy task. If you don't really need to modularize your spring application, you may consider creating a custom runtime image using the Badass Runtime Plugin, as shown in this example project.
From the releases page download the archived custom runtime image for your operating system.
Unpack the archive and execute the spring-petclinic
script found in the image/bin
Then, access http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.
Gradle must use Java 11 or newer in order to be able to build the project. To create the custom runtime image execute:
./gradlew clonePetclinic
./gradlew jlinkZip
This command creates the runtime image in the build/image
directory and a zip file of it in build/image-zip
The start scripts are found in the build/image/bin