Creates a wall paper based with all games of a given user on
Run the spring boot application with ./gradlew bootRun
Access it on http://localhost:8080/collection
It requires some parameters to properly work:
- username (required: yes): BGG username of the user you want to see the collection of.
- size (required = false, defaultValue = "150"): size of each boardgames cover on the wall chart.
- showName (required = false, defaultValue = "false"): dispay game name as image overlay.
- showUrl (required = false, defaultValue = "true"): make images clickable by adding their links to BGG.
- shuffle (required = false, defaultValue = "false"): order alphabetically or randomly.
example: http://localhost:8080/collection?username=besessener&size=85&showName=no&showUrl=no&shuffle=yes