This is my JDBC Database Wrapper, with the intent on providing a clean intuitive API, for access to a JDBC database,
IDB handles connections, query, execution, result fetching and data return for all the common access operations without the boilerplate of making all of the JDBC API's yourself.
Most Database operations can be completed in a single API call.
Built currently on top of Hikari Connection Pool.
Version: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Getting Started: Using IDB
API Documentation: IDB API
Real World Examples: Examples
./gradlew deploy
If this library has helped you, please consider donating as a way of saying thanks
Get off your dinosaur and get on this rocket ship!
Dinosaurs have been dead for a long time, so get off it before you start to smell.
See Issues section.
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Or Code With Aikar Discord.
- ACF - Powerful Java Command Framework
- TaskChain - Powerful context control to dispatch tasks Async, then access the result sync for API usage. Concurrency controls too.
- Minecraft Timings - Add Timings to your plugin in a safe way that works on all Bukkit platforms (CraftBukkit - no timings, Spigot - Timings v1, Paper and Paper forks - Timings v2)
As with all my other public projects
IDB (c) Daniel Ennis (Aikar) 2014-2018.