Package goredirect enables you to redirect go get
to map from one
set of repository URLs to another. You can use it to create a
standalone server or wrap an existing one.
For a quick demo:
go install
sudo sh -c 'echo "" >> /etc/hosts'
sudo goredirect`
go get
Observe that $GOPATH/src/
now holds
identical contents to $GOPATH/src/
For usage examples, look at cmd/goredirect/cmd.go
and the more
extensive test cases in goredirect_test.go
go get
assumes all hostnames have at least one.
in them, sogo get localhost/repo/path
will not work. In the dev environment, you can get around this by adding a dummy host (e.g.,
) to/etc/hosts
. -
For development purposes, you can pass a custom port number with the
flag, butgo get
assumes the server listens on port 80 (or 443 for HTTPS).