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marcushutchings edited this page May 23, 2022 · 3 revisions

Spring.GetNanoProjectileParams() -> startRot, number speed, number accel.

Gets the rotation params of the nano-building projectile. speed: deg/s, accel: deg/s2, startRot: deg.

Spring.GetRenderFeaturesDrawFlagChanged(bool sendDrawFlags) -> table featureIds [, table drawFlags]

Gets a list of feature Ids whose DrawFlags have changed since the last render frame. Set sendDrawFlags = true to also get a the current DrawFlags for each of those features. The index positions of the featureIds and drawFlags tables correlate to the same feature.

Spring.GetRenderUnitsDrawFlagChanged(bool sendDrawFlags) -> table unitIds [, table drawFlags]

Gets a list of unit Ids whose DrawFlags have changed since the last render frame. Set sendDrawFlags = true to also get a the current DrawFlags for each of those units. The index positions of the unitIds and drawFlags tables correlate to the same unit.