Short-hand commands for some of the day-to-day kubernetes CLI. The goal is to minimize the number of characters to type and work across namespaces. The utility is easy to extend to other commands.
[This script has been tested on ubuntu/centos]
- Download (this is the only script you need from this repo)
- Make sure is executable (if not already): chmod +x
- Optionally set up an alias: alias k='/path/to/'
- You need python installed in your system
- Describe a POD
instead of
kubectl describe pod nodelocaldns-tdvpn -n kube-system
k des pod nodelocaldns-td
- Providing minimal number of characters for a match.
If your input causes a conflict, the tool will spit out an error and ask you to pick a more specific match substring.
bhakta@bhakta-kube1:~$ k d p nodelocaldns
'd' matches multiple possible options
Please provide more specific input
bhakta@bhakta-kube1:~$ k des p nodelocaldns
'p' matches multiple possible options
Please provide more specific input
bhakta@bhakta-kube1:~$ k des pod nodelocaldns
command 'kubectl get pods -A | egrep "nodelocaldns"' has multiple matches:
nodelocaldns-tdvpn -n kube-system
nodelocaldns-xmqlf -n kube-system
nodelocaldns-z6dsj -n kube-system
kubectl describe pod needs 1 match. Provide more specific substring input
bhakta@bhakta-kube1:~$ k des pod nodelocaldns-td
kubectl describe pod nodelocaldns-tdvpn -n kube-system
Executing : kubectl describe pod nodelocaldns-tdvpn -n kube-system
- Get into a pod
Instead of:
kubectl exec -it pg-postgresql-0 -n lilac-sql -- bash
bhakta@bhakta-kube1:~$ k ex sql
command 'kubectl get pods -A | egrep "sql"' has multiple matches:
-it pg-pgpool-857694cff-qs44s -n lilac-sql
-it pg-pgpool-857694cff-qvqhz -n lilac-sql
-it pg-postgresql-0 -n lilac-sql
-it pg-postgresql-1 -n lilac-sql
kubectl exec needs 1 match. Provide more specific substring input
bhakta@bhakta-kube1:~$ k ex ql-0
kubectl exec -it pg-postgresql-0 -n lilac-sql -- bash
Executing : kubectl exec -it pg-postgresql-0 -n lilac-sql -- bash
Defaulting container name to postgresql.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/pg-postgresql-0 -n lilac-sql' to see all of the containers in this pod.
I have no name!@pg-postgresql-0:/$
I have no name!@pg-postgresql-0:/$ psql -U postgres
Password for user postgres:
psql (11.13)
Type "help" for help.
- Tail log of a pod
Instead of:
kubectl logs lilac-api-d689b97b4-tpq5v -n lilac-mgmt
bhakta@bhakta-kube1:~$ k l api-d
kubectl logs lilac-api-d689b97b4-tpq5v -n lilac-mgmt
Executing : kubectl logs lilac-api-d689b97b4-tpq5v -n lilac-mgmt
- Tail logs (for a container within a pod)
Instead of:
kubectl logs pg-postgresql-0 -n lilac-sql -c metrics
bhakta@bhakta-kube1:~$ k l sql-0 -c metrics
['pg-postgresql-0 -n lilac-sql -c metrics']
kubectl logs pg-postgresql-0 -n lilac-sql -c metrics
Executing : kubectl logs pg-postgresql-0 -n lilac-sql -c metrics
time="2022-01-31T12:24:56Z" level=info msg="Established new database connection to \"\"." source="postgres_exporter.go:878"
time="2022-01-31T12:24:57Z" level=info msg="Established new database connection to \"\"." source="postgres_exporter.go:878"
time="2022-01-31T12:24:59Z" level=info msg="Established new database connection to \"\"." source="postgres_exporter.go:878"
time="2022-01-31T12:24:59Z" level=info msg="Semantic Version Changed on \"\": 0.0.0 -> 11.13.0" source="postgres_exporter.go:1405"
time="2022-01-31T12:24:59Z" level=info msg="Starting Server: :9187" source="postgres_exporter.go:1672"
Add into _CMD_MAP in