git clone
cd beast_mm_bot
sudo apt install python3-env
python3.10 -m venv venv && source venv/bin/activate
Step 3 - To install the dependencies, use the following terminal commands, ignore any errors shown for dependency package mismatch in SDKs
pip install setuptools pandas numpy cachetools hubble_exchange==0.9.0rc10 python-binance python-dotenv git+
pip install hyperliquid-python-sdk==0.1.19
pip uninstall eth-account
pip install eth-account==0.10.0
pip install pybit
vi .env.secret
paste this with your private key/keys:
Then press :wq to write the file and exit the editor
You may also need to add the python packages in your .bashrc file:
vi ~/.bashrc
paste this in on the last line and then type :wq to save an quit
export PATH="/.local/bin:$PATH"
Check the settings for each market in and adjust them to your liking. The spreads are in %. So "spread":0.1 = 0.1%
Run with your market of choice: AVAX, ETH, or SOL
python3 AVAX
To stop press ctr+c It may be necessary to press multiple times
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
sudo npm install pm2@latest -g
pm2 start ecosystem.config.js --only avax
- Start Mid Price feed from configured source (binance_futures/binance_spot) at settings.futures_feed_frequency
- If hedge mode starts hedge client (Hyperliquid or binance)
- Start hubble orderbook feed @ settings.hubble_orderbook_frequency
- onBreak
- clears the hubble_price_streaming_event
- tries reconnecting for 5 times.
- on successful reconnect
- set hubble_price_streaming_event
- on failure
- report and exit application
- on successful reconnect
- onBreak
- start OrderManager
- start in background an orderfill callback listener (start_order_fill_feed) which continously listenes for updates to traders account like position updates, order fills etc.
- start in background trader position data and margin data update service (start_trader_positions_feed @ settings["hubble_position_poll_interval"])
- start create_orders service that runs @ settings["order_frequency"]
- Update traders margin and market position data
- set update timestamp
- On Breakdown
- Try to reconnect.
- Set Flag (block create_orders service)
- On Reconnect
- Reset Flag(resume create_orders service)
- Else
- reports and exit application
Check for order direction using Order_Data cache
Hedge Position
- On Success
- update performance data
- On Failure
- report and exit application
- Finally
- Trigger order fill cooldown (blocks create_orders service)
- On Success
stores order open price and hedge price to calculate spread pnl
@todo store fee data
store volume in performance
create_orders service
- Wait for the following conditions to be true to start orderCreationTask
- hedge_client_uptime_event is set
- mid_price_streaming_event is set
- hubble_price_streaming_event is set
- order_fill_cooldown
- check if data is stale with thresholds [ , "position_data_expiry"]
- Binance mid_price @ settings["mid_price_expiry"]
- Hubble position data @ settings["position_data_expiry"]
- Find free margin
- Update free margin for sell and buy according to current positions data and orders placed on this tick @todo -> check reserved margin data recvd from api. @todo add math info here.
- update bid and ask defensive skew @todo add math info here
- Generate bid and ask orders based on order_levels defined in settings
- Check if order is hedgable.
- If not skip
- If is hedgable add to orders
- Check if order is hedgable.
- Place created orders
- wait for
- set market leverage to settings.leverage if no existing positions.
- start background process to fetch orderbook data @ settings.hedgeClient_orderbook_frequency
- If this breaks
- retries connecting for 5 times.
- On Successful connection restore
- Sets uptime_event
- Else
- report and exit application
- On Successful connection restore
- retries connecting for 5 times.
- If this breaks
- start background process to fetch user state data @ settings.hedgeClient_user_state_frequency
- If this breaks
- retries connecting for 5 times.
- On Successful connection restore
- Sets uptime_event
- Else
- report and exit application
- On Successful connection restore
- retries connecting for 5 times.
- If this breaks