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Workflow for detecting microsatellite instability by next-generation sequencing on amplicons.

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MIAmS: Microsatellites Instability by AMplicon Sequencing


Workflow for detecting microsatellite instability by next-generation sequencing on amplicons.


1. Download code

Use one of the following:

  • [user way] Downloads the latest released versions from
  • [developper way] Clones the repository from the latest unreleased version: git clone

The application folder has the following structure:

├── install/                        # Scripts for install the application
├── jflow/
│   ├── bin/                        # Scripts for workflows management (run, rerun, monitor)
│   ├── ...
│   └──  # Application configuration file
└── test/                           # Scripts and data to test the workflows

2. Configure application

Configure resources used by the workflow in jflow/

All the detail on configuration options can be find in app/docs/jflow_advanced_configuration.html.

# uncomment and set if not in the PATH, should be version >= 4.4.3
#makeflow = ###APP_FOLDER###/envs/miniconda3/envs/###APP_ENV_NAME###/bin/makeflow
# batch system type: local, condor, sge, moab, cluster, wq, hadoop, mpi-queue
batch_system_type = sge
# add these options to all batch submit files
batch_options =
# add these options to limit the number of jobs sumitted in parallel
limit_submission = 100
# on which socket host should run the web server
server_socket_host =
# on which socket port should run the web server
server_socket_port = 8080
# date format
date_format = %d/%m/%Y

In this example Makeflow is accessible in PATH, the scheduler system used is SGE and the graphical interface will be accessible on localhost:8080 if you run the jflow server.

# if you want an email to be sent at the end of the workflow execution
# set the smtp_server and the from_address values
smtp_server =
smtp_port =
from_address =
from_password =
# uncomment and set if you want to use these values for all the workflow
# these variables can be overloaded within the workflow implementation by
# using self.set_to_address("address"), self.set_subject("subject"),
# self.set_message("message") functions
#to_address =
#subject =
#message =

This section is used to send mails at the end of a workflow execution. In this example no mail are sended.

# In this section, ###USER### (if it's used) is replaced by $USER environment variable.
# where should be written the log file
log_file = ###USER###/work/MIAmS/jflow.log
# Where should the pipelines write results, should be accessible
# by all cluster nodes
work_directory = ###USER###/work/MIAmS/work
# Where should the pipelines write temporary files, should be
# accessible by all cluster nodes
tmp_directory = ###USER###/work/MIAmS/tmp
browse_root_dir = ###USER###

These folders are used to store intermediate files.

# Set cluster parameters of some components
BamAreasToFastq.batch_options = -V -l h_vmem=5G -l mem=5G -q normal
BAMIndex.batch_options = -V -l h_vmem=5G -l mem=5G -q normal
BWAmem.batch_options = -V -l h_vmem=10G -l mem=10G -q normal
CombinePairs.batch_options = -V -l h_vmem=2G -l mem=2G -q normal
CreateMSIRef.batch_options = -V -l h_vmem=5G -l mem=5G -q normal
Cutadapt.batch_options = -V -l h_vmem=5G -l mem=5G -q normal
GatherLocusRes.batch_options = -V -l h_vmem=3G -l mem=3G -q normal
MIAmSClassify.batch_options = -V -l h_vmem=5G -l mem=5G -q normal
MSINGS.batch_options = -V -l h_vmem=10G -l mem=10G -q normal
MSINGSBaseline.batch_options = -V -l h_vmem=10G -l mem=10G -q normal
MSIMergeReports.batch_options = -V -l h_vmem=3G -l mem=3G -q normal

Ressources booked by each component of the workflow. If your batch system type is local these options are not necessary.

The parameters show components properties:

  • The components use the same environment as the main job (-V).
  • The maximum virtual memory (-l h_vmem=XG) and the memory used by a component.
  • On SGE the queue can control priority, limit execution time and ressources. (-q X).

3. Install dependencies

pip install --user virtualenv


On CentOS / Fedora / RHEL

yum install zlib zlib-devel

On Debian

sudo apt-get install zlib zlibc zlib1-g zlib1g


On CentOS / Fedora / RHEL

yum install ncurses-devel ncurses

On Debian

sudo apt-get install libncurses5-dev

4. Launch installer


This command:

  • creates a virtual environment for the application
  • installs dependencies on this environment
  • writes the final configuration (jflow/ from your template
  • checks the installation by running workflows on a small dataset

Prepare analysis

MIAmS is mainly based on mSINGS. This software works in 3 steps:

  • Convert a BED describing loci to an interval format.
  • Learn from many stable samples the standard distribution of InDel size by loci. This step create a model used in following analyses.
  • Find MSI status by comparison between InDel profile in sample and InDel profile in model.

The two first steps described below should be proceed once contrary to to the third described in Workflows management that must be processed for each analysis.

Convert BED to interval

${APP_DIR}/envs/msings/scripts/ \
  --input-bed ${APP_DIR}/test/data/msi.bed \
  --output ${APP_DIR}/test/out_model/msi_intervals.tsv

Build MSI reference with MIAmS Learn

The following command must be used on large number of stable and unstable samples coming from your laboratory. Take in mind the sentence of mSINGS's authors: "Baseline statistics vary markedly from assay-to-assay and lab-to-lab. It is CRITICAL that you prepare a baseline file that is specific for your analytic process, and for which data have been generated using the same protocols."

source ${APP_DIR}/envs/miniconda3/bin/activate MIAmS
${APP_DIR}/jflow/bin/ miamslearn \
  --R1-pattern ${APP_DIR}/test/data/stable/\*_L001_R1.fastq.gz \
  --R2-pattern ${APP_DIR}/test/data/stable/\*_L001_R2.fastq.gz \
  --annotations ${APP_DIR}/test/data/learn_annot.tsv \
  --targets ${APP_DIR}/test/data/targets.bed \
  --genome-seq ${APP_DIR}/test/bank/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.chromosome.14.fa \
  --intervals ${APP_DIR}/test/data/intervals.tsv \
  --output-baseline ${APP_DIR}/test/out_model/baseline.tsv \
  --output-training ${APP_DIR}/test/out_model/models.json \
  --output-log ${APP_DIR}/test/out_model/baseline_log.txt
source ${APP_DIR}/envs/miniconda3/bin/deactivate

For the test dataset, add the argument --min-support-samples 1 to reduce the number of samples required in the model. By default, this value is set to 10: 10 unstable and 10 stable.

The annotations file (format TSV) describes the status of each locus for all the samples used in model creation.

sample	B25	B26	N21
splA	MSI	MSI	Undetermined

The title line contains "sample" in first column and in others the names of the locus present in the fourth column of the BED file. Each other row corresponds to one sample and contains:

  • The sample name.
  • For each locus the stability status: MSS or MSI or Undetermined.

Workflows management


The following command is the example used in installation test:

source ${APP_DIR}/envs/miniconda3/bin/activate MIAmS
${APP_DIR}/jflow/bin/ miamstag \
  --R1-pattern ${APP_DIR}/test/data/unstable/\*_L001_R1.fastq.gz \
  --R2-pattern ${APP_DIR}/test/data/unstable/\*_L001_R2.fastq.gz \
  --models ${APP_DIR}/test/data/models.json \
  --targets ${APP_DIR}/test/data/msi.bed \
  --genome-seq ${APP_DIR}/test/bank/Homo_sapiens.GRCh37.75.dna.chromosome.14.fa \
  --intervals ${APP_DIR}/test/data/msi_intervals.tsv \
  --baseline ${APP_DIR}/test/data/MSI_BASELINE.tsv \
  --output-dir ${APP_DIR}/test/out_detection
source ${APP_DIR}/envs/miniconda3/bin/deactivate

Use ${APP_DIR}/jflow/bin/ miamstag --help for more information about parameters.


For monitoring all workflows

${APP_DIR}/jflow/bin/ status

This command has the following output:

000003  miamstag        failed          0:01:03 Thu Apr 12 11:24:02 2018        Thu Apr 12 11:25:05 2018
000002  miamstag        completed       0:01:13 Thu Apr 12 11:11:54 2018        Thu Apr 12 11:13:08 2018
000001  miamstag        completed       0:01:04 Wed Apr 11 17:28:41 2018        Wed Apr 11 17:29:45 2018

In this example the workflows 1 and 2 have been processed and completed with success the workflow 3 has failed.

For monitoring a specific workflow

Use the following command:

${APP_DIR}/jflow/bin/ status \
  --workflow-id ${YOUR_WF_ID} \

The first block of the output indicate the status and the elapsed time of the workflow.

Workflow #000003 (miamstag) is failed, time elapsed: 0:01:03 (from Thu Apr 12 11:24:02 2018 to Thu Apr 12 11:25:05 2018)
Workflow Error :
  File "/work/fescudie/MIAmS/test2/msings_workflow/jflow/src/weaver/", line 156, in execute
    Failed to execute DAG /work/fescudie/jflow/MIAmS/work/miamstag/wf000003/.working/78f9a76eb0/Makeflow using /work/fescudie/MIAmS/test2/msings_workflow/envs/miniconda3/envs/MIAmS/bin/makeflow:
    Command '['/work/fescudie/MIAmS/test2/msings_workflow/envs/miniconda3/envs/MIAmS/bin/makeflow', 'Makeflow', '--log-verbose', '-J', '100', '-T', 'sge']' returned non-zero exit status 1

The second block details the status and the elapsed time of each components of the workflow. "Total" represents the number of commands defined by the component: a components can be composed of several commands executed on several input files.

Components Status :
  - MSIMergeReports.default, time elapsed 08 (total:2, waiting:0, running:0, failed:2, aborted:0, completed:0)
  - BAMIndex.default, time elapsed 05 (total:2, waiting:0, running:0, failed:0, aborted:0, completed:2)
  - BamAreasToFastq.default, time elapsed 18 (total:2, waiting:0, running:0, failed:0, aborted:0, completed:2)
  - MSINGS.default, time elapsed 16 (total:2, waiting:0, running:0, failed:0, aborted:0, completed:2)
  - BWAmem.default, time elapsed 27 (total:2, waiting:0, running:0, failed:0, aborted:0, completed:2)
  - CombinePairs.default, time elapsed 01:01 (total:2, waiting:0, running:0, failed:0, aborted:0, completed:2)

The third block details the commands where an execution error has been detected (the number of command correspond to the total number of failed in second block). You can see the content of the .stderr file to see the error message.

Failed Commands :
  - MSIMergeReports.default :
    /work/fescudie/jflow/MIAmS/work/miamstag/wf000004/.working/78f9a76eb0/_Stash/0/0/0/w000000A /work/fescudie/jflow/MIAmS/work/miamstag/wf000004/MSINGS_default/spl002_S13_L001_report.txt /work/fescudie/jflow/MIAmS/work/miamstag/wf000004/MSIMergeReports_default/spl_0_comb_reports_list.tsv /work/fescudie/jflow/MIAmS/work/miamstag/wf000004/MSIMergeReports_default/spl002_S13_L001_report_report.json /work/fescudie/jflow/MIAmS/work/miamstag/wf000004/MSIMergeReports_default/spl002_S13_L001_report.stderr
    /work/fescudie/jflow/MIAmS/work/miamstag/wf000004/.working/78f9a76eb0/_Stash/0/0/0/w000000A /work/fescudie/jflow/MIAmS/work/miamstag/wf000004/MSINGS_default/spl001_S19_L001_report.txt /work/fescudie/jflow/MIAmS/work/miamstag/wf000004/MSIMergeReports_default/spl_1_comb_reports_list.tsv /work/fescudie/jflow/MIAmS/work/miamstag/wf000004/MSIMergeReports_default/spl001_S19_L001_report_report.json /work/fescudie/jflow/MIAmS/work/miamstag/wf000004/MSIMergeReports_default/spl001_S19_L001_report.stderr


You can rerun failed/incomplete steps with the following command:

source ${APP_DIR}/envs/miniconda3/bin/activate MIAmS
${APP_DIR}/jflow/bin/ rerun \
  --workflow-id ${YOUR_WF_ID}
source ${APP_DIR}/envs/miniconda3/bin/deactivate




2018 IUC Toulouse Oncopole and CHU de Montpellier.


  • Charles Van Goethem Laboratoire de Biologie des Tumeurs Solides Hôpital Arnaud de Villeneuve CHU de Montpellier
  • Frédéric Escudié Laboratoire d'Anatomo-Cytopathologie de l'Institut Universitaire du Cancer Toulouse - Oncopole


If you use MIAmS in a scientific publication, we would appreciate citations:

Frédéric Escudié, Charles Van Goethem, David Grand, Julie Vendrell, Anna Vigier, Pierre Brousset, Solène M Evrard, Jérôme Solassol, Janick Selves, MIAmS: microsatellite instability detection on NGS amplicons data, Bioinformatics, , btz797,


[email protected]


Workflow for detecting microsatellite instability by next-generation sequencing on amplicons.






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