An attempt to make something similar to in Js from scratch.
- basic game components i.e menu, game-over-message etc.
- game background
- Smarter AI
- Fix map
- foods animation
Here I will try to explain how its made. So, its a clone of a popular game ( but its made in JS entirely from scratch. All the graphics as seen on the demo are vector drawings.
- index.html : Contains 3 canvases. Each for Snakes, food & background.
- script.js : handles mouse events and handles core game rendering.
- Game.js : Contains all the components of game i.e snakes, foods
- Snake.js : Logic for basic snake movement, food-collission etc.
- Snakeai.js : Child of Snake.js. Extra AI movement logic
- Food.js : code for animating and moving foods
- util.js : Contains all utility functions