@bigcommerce/checkout-sdk / GooglePayButtonInitializeOptions
• Optional
buttonColor: GooglePayButtonColor
All Google Pay payment buttons exist in two styles: dark (default) and light. To provide contrast, use dark buttons on light backgrounds and light buttons on dark or colorful backgrounds.
• Optional
buttonType: GooglePayButtonType
Variant buttons: book: The "Book with Google Pay" payment button. buy: The "Buy with Google Pay" payment button. checkout: The "Checkout with Google Pay" payment button. donate: The "Donate with Google Pay" payment button. order: The "Order with Google Pay" payment button. pay: The "Pay with Google Pay" payment button. plain: The Google Pay payment button without the additional text (default). subscribe: The "Subscribe with Google Pay" payment button.
Note: "long" and "short" button types have been renamed to "buy" and "plain", but are still valid button types for backwards compatability.